Discover What’s Standing Between You and Your Success in Preventing Hair Loss
There comes a time in your life that you have to stand up and say, “Enough is enough.” And that’s the day when you decide to change your life for the better. Who doesn’t want to become accomplished? Even the “gifted” and brilliant ones have to pay the price so as to realize their goals in life. When we fail to eat on time, get enough exercise or sleep between seven to nine hours a day, we’re compromising our health and wellness as we reduce the maximum extent that our body must function. Consequently, the effects in our body may extend and manifest as early warning signs of hair loss.

Take it from celebrity beauty and salon expert Fanny “TF” Serrano, who once personally experienced such an ordeal. For him, avoiding harsh synthetic solutions and choosing to use the right products with natural ingredients is a must and still the best way to deal with mane problems like losing or thinning of the hair.
Nothing to lose. Choose natural.
With this in mind, embracing natural healthy lifestyle is so important to achieve that optimal health, best physical condition and a healthy full head of hair. Health products made out of natural ingredients are way effective for better healing and maintaining our body’s lifelong function than those of synthetic ones. Start loving yourself a little bit more by choosing natural products especially in the prevention of hair loss.
Rather than investing in those branded shampoos or other hair treatments, there’s a natural way to help arrest hair loss and help remedy its four early symptoms, namely, excessive hair shedding, thinning hair, receding hair line, and bald patches. This is none other than NOVUHAIR, nature’s answer to hair loss.
NOVUHAIR is clinically tested and proven safe & effective to help stop hair loss & its early symptoms the natural way! It is FDA approved, compliant to the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD) – paraben-free and compliant to the US-FDA Cosmetic Guideline.
Indulge your crowning glory to a natural hair spa at home!
Great news!
Here’s a special promo exclusive at all participating Watsons stores nationwide. For every purchase of NOVUHAIR 3-in-1 pack at P5,280, you’ll get one 200ml. bottle of NOVUHAIR Herbal Shampoo worth P1,100 for FREE! That’s 21% savings!
Regular price of NOVUHAIR 3-in-1 pack is P5,280.
So what are you waiting for? You’ve got nothing to lose.
Promo duration is from August 25, 2020 to February 24, 2021.
Per DOH-FDA-CCRR Permit Number 0632 s. 2020