It doesn’t matter if it’s a trip to the beach, out-of-town, a business trip, or just plain and simple weekend adventure. We all need to groom ourselves and be hygienic. We can be as outgoing as we can be, but we still need to bring the essentials to bring out the confidence and make us look and feel good about ourselves. Well, in any event, success favors the well-groomed. For this reason, we came up with a gentleman’s grooming essential kit fit for any occasion. It’s better to ‘stay ready’ than frequently ‘getting ready’, in that way, even at short notice, we are prepared to engage looking good and confident.

1. Toothbrush and toothpaste
These essentials are the most basic part of the kit – toothbrush and the toothpaste. Although hotel rooms are giving away these essentials, it’s a need to bring our own toothbrush and toothpaste to match our oral care needs. Example, some of us have sensitive teeth that may require a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth. In this case, most hotel rooms may not provide this special need. These may become very handy when stumbling upon spicy food that you would hate to resist.


2. Comb
A comb is inevitably vital to grooming. Those 10 little fingers may become handy at times for a quick run through your hair, but still it’s a need to add up the comb in the list. Combs are the best tools for hair care and tidying up our mane.


3. Razor and shaving cream
A group of young men in Adelaide, South Australia coined the term “Movember” and the idea of growing moustaches for charity throughout the month of November, aimed at raising cancer awareness. But No-Shave November only comes once a year. Being clean-shaven will never go out of style. Having a nice razor in the kit is part of being prepared to any event that may require us to be clean and looking good as much as possible. More so, majority of the results from various surveys have shown that women are more attracted to clean-shaven gentlemen. Again, success favors the well-groomed.


4. Soap
We all need to add up soap in the kit since not all soaps freely provided may suit our individual needs. Some of us may have sensitive skin that needs specific soap formulation or all out organic ingredients. The main purpose of the soap is to clean our body. However, there are soaps that also disinfect aside from cleansing. Better if you have a body soap that can be used as a hand soap as well.


5. Herbal shampoo
Heavily advertised chemical based shampoos won’t educate us on the aftermath of frequent use. Simply check the labels. Majority of the ingredients used in the formulation are synthetic that may eventually lead to hair damage or worst, hair loss. Herbal shampoos on the other hand contain natural ingredients that may pose no harm to the hair and scalp.


6. Topical scalp lotion
Lucky are those without hereditary hair loss. Unfortunately, hair loss also comes with age, a challenge that we have to face in due time. But remember, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Prevention is the key. Nourish your hair and scalp with a topical scalp lotion that boasts of natural ingredients that help promote healthy hair growth, a better way to maintain your mane.


7. Grooming kit bag
We can gather more than what have been listed. These are just essentials that won’t even require a large grooming kit bag nor an expensive bag for as long as it’s handy and reflective of our individual personalities.


With the help of this basic grooming kit guide, you can start gathering the essentials. Start small and complete it as you go on. If you look good, you’ll feel good and do good.
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8 Things that Should be in Your Kikoy Kit



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