During the summer months, there’s one go-to destination that most people definitely would not miss out in visiting – the picturesque coastlines. The beach is a travel destination unlike any other, and your hair may require some of its best summer buddies to keep it healthy-looking and beautiful all throughout your summer escape.


Here are some must-haves to keep your hair pampered and pretty on your beach vacation:



  • Wide-Brimmed Hat. If your eyes need some shade, so does your hair! Bring out some vintage glam with a touch of the tropics, and let your hat protect your hair from the sun’s rays.




  • Hair Ties. Tame the force of the cool breeze on your hair by pulling the latter back into a ‘sexy messy’ updo. Hair ties will also help you avoid tangles and keep the sweaty strands away from your face.




  • Atomizer or Spritzer with fresh water. The wrath of the scorching sun and the elements in saltwater can wreak havoc on moisture within your hair. Spray hair with fresh water every now and then if you plan to spend hours by the seaside. Don’t forget to rinse thoroughly in the showers later on to remove excess dirt and saltwater.  




  • Lotions and Shampoos with Natural Ingredients.  Give your hair a break from chemicals, and pamper it instead with products like NOVUHAIR Herbal Shampoo and NOVUHAIR Topical Scalp Lotion. These contain natural elements like ginger, ginseng, safflower and pennywort among others. These ingredients help naturally seal in moisture to efficiently hydrate, nourish, and strengthen your hair.




  • Wide-Toothed Comb. With the constant swimming and sea wind blowing, getting your damp hair tangled is inevitable. Avoid breakage by making sure your hair is relatively dry before you brush or comb, and use the latter with wide spaces between its teeth.



Stay ravis while you’re at the beach – don’t leave home without these five basic hair care implements in your beach bag!


#choosenatural #novuhair #novuhaircares #novuhairnaturalwoman #youraisemeup



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