Top 3 Health Benefits You Get From A Head Massage

How do you de-stress after a long, increasingly toxic day? Do you kick off your shoes and go couch potato mode? Do you go out for a quick drink or two with your best buddies? People have different stress-coping mechanisms, but so far, one of the most popular relaxation methods is getting a massage.

And since one can’t always go for a full-body massage, a relaxing head massage seems to be the best idea to fight off the draining negative elements of everyday life. Used to treat illnesses in ancient India for thousands of years, a head massage is a convenient at the same time affordable way of pampering yourself after a crazy day.

What exactly are the best things you can get from a head massage? Novuhair has picked up on these top three benefits:

Relaxation and stress-reduction.

Perhaps its most welcome and anticipated benefit is how a head massage allows your body to feel calm and at ease. Since the head contains many nerve endings, vigorous rubbings can possibly help in the release of endorphins, more popularly known as our body’s ‘happy hormone’. Endorphins provide individuals with a natural way to ease aches and pains in the body.

If you regularly experience tension headaches, a type of headache usually caused by hunger, sleep deprivation, and being overworked, then a quick head massage will give you the relief you need from the pain.

Improved blood circulation.

Massaging the head or the scalp helps promote better blood flow as well as prevents and removes muscle tension. With circulation in the head enhanced, one immediately feels a sense of calm. A head massage allows essential nutrients and oxygen to be seamlessly transported to various blood vessels in the body, leaving you re-energized for more activities.

Should you feel burdened with so much to think about, and you feel your energy waning, just sit down and get a head massage. You will feel the revitalizing benefit in as little as a few minutes.

Hair growth promotion and hair moisturizing.

Why do you think shampoo containers advise the product user to “massage onto hair”? Head or scalp massages are said to improve blood circulation, thus enabling the hair follicles to receive nourishment quicker and more efficiently. With the hair roots properly hydrated and nourished, increased hair growth is not far behind.

And with the use of hair-friendly essential oils like lavender, jojoba, virgin coconut oil, or aloe barbadensis, the scalp also receives its dose of important ‘vitamins’. These oils help in hair moisturizing, conditioning, and even strengthening.

Getting a head massage is a stress-busting experience with benefits that can surpass your expectations. You can maximize its enriching potential by using nature-based products like Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, letting you further your hair loss prevention efforts, too.


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