Causes of hair thinning and balding

Thinning hair and baldness may be triggered by various causes, but genetics is one major factor that influences hair loss. The pattern of baldness in both men and women may be induced by a genetic make-up known as androgenetic alopecia.

Hair loss may also be temporarily experienced three to four months after an illness or surgery.

The over activity or under activity of thyroid gland as well the imbalance of androgen or estrogen are other causes of hair loss.
Poor diet and nutrition likewise contribute to hair loss as inadequate protein, vitamins and minerals impede proper hair growth.

There are several treatments for hair loss and most of these are drugs with known side effects. Once you stop these medications, hair loss resumes. Surgeries such as scalp reductions and hair transplants are expensive options and not all can afford it. But now, there is an effective natural hair loss solution without harmful side effect…


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245 thoughts on “Causes of hair thinning and balding”

    1. Hello Aurora:) Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml, good for 2-3 months use is priced at Php2,800. It’s just like spending Php15.00 per application or Php30.00 per day since Novuhair is recommended to be used twice daily:)

      1. Hello, i just wanted to know that can we use two different hair growers at the same time? Is it okay if i will use novu hair lotion and minoxidil at the same time? Answer me pls.

        1. Hi Paul John:) Thanks for the inquiry. You can use Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, it doesnt have any effects since it’s almost 100% natural. But we recommend you to at least give your hair a break for the chemical product that you’re using before using our Topical Scalp Lotion:)

          This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe.

          Please let us know should you have further inquiries
          Thank you and have a great day!

    1. Hello John Bob:) Novuhair is proven safe. All the active ingredients are natural, therefore, safer than synthetic treatments. You can check the Product Profile section in our website: NOvuhair is available in all Mercury Drug outlets, Watsons Personal Care Stores, Rose Pharmacies, Cory Quirino World of Wellness Retail Stores, selected salons (check our Facebook fan Page: Novuhair Official) to see the participating salons and soon (January 2012) it will be available in South Star Drug and Manson drugstores nationwide, too. The suggested retail price is Php2,800 per 200ml bottle, good for 2-3 months use, depending on the length of your hair. You can also purchase online through Visit the site then click BRANDS and type NOVUHAIR on the SEARCH area. have a great new year ahead:)

    1. Hello Jasmin:) I suggest that you refrain from using any conditioner at this point. You can however use plain, water-based gels and cream to style your hair but not the alcohol-based ones. This is not recommendable but safer. Have a great new year ahead:)

  1. ~I was wondering if it’s ok to use local shampoos like xxxxx or XXXXX before using the Novuhair topical lotion or do I have to buy the Novuhair shampoo?

    1. Hello Sedric Salamat:) I highly recommend that you use any plain, unscented herbal shampoo or better if you use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo since the product was specifically formulated to compliment the topical scalp lotion. In doing so, you will achieve better results. Have a great weekend!

      1. Kilikiley Middah

        Hi can i use novu product just for nourishing my hair cos i dont have any issues like hair lost and becoming bald it is just that my hair isnt healthy that im getting a lot of split ends and that is stoping my hair from growing. I was just wondering.Thank you!!

        1. Janine De Guzman

          Hello Kilikiley Middah 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

          NOVUHAIR® is effective in treating hair loss. NOVUHAIR® is a Topical Scalp Lotion combining highly potent standardized herbs with essential oils and co-factor nutrients, especially chosen for their hair growing properties. NOVUHAIR® penetrates to rejuvenate the hair follicles, provides optimum nutrition to help combat hair loss and/or thinning of hair, improves blood circulation to the scalp and thus contributes to the stimulation of hair growth.

          Have a great day ahead!

  2. im a sailor and be going to sail again soon, if i use the novuhair solution and see the results to be positive, can i stop using it if my baldness stops also?? and by the way our water use in ship is distilled, from salt water being process in a boiler and sometimes its yellowish, can this also affect my baldness while onboard?? salamat…..

    1. Hello Rendell:) Thanks for the interesting inquiry. I recommend that you start using Novuhair now and buy an extra set that you can bring. I recommend that you buy the combi pack which includes the herbal shampoo. This will help address your water quality concern while you’re onboard the ship. The product contains virgin coconut oil which will greatly help cleanse and nourish your hair from unwanted irritants while shampooing and while applying the lotion. As soon as you have achieved the desired effects, you may pause for 2 months then continue another 2-8 months treatment. Novuhair’s active ingredients are all natural. The process is safe, effective and long-term. The earlier that you treat your hair, the lesser the damage. have a great day ahead!

    1. Hello Ronel:) Thanks for the inquiry:) Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion is used to treat and nourish you hair and scalp while the herbal shampoo is used to cleanse your hair and scalp in preparation for the application of the lotion. The herbal shampoo was designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. However, the lotion itself is sufficient enough to achieve the desired results like non-progression of hair loss, stop excessive hair shedding and stimulate hair growth noticeable on the 4th month. After using the herbal shampoo, towel dry. Apply liberal amount of the lotion and massage 5 to 10 minutes. To achieve maximum results, you can leave the lotion on without rinsing. However, if you’re not yet comfortable with it, you may rinse it as well after the massage. Repeat the same procedure twice a day. For more info on how to use it, check and click PRODUCT PROFILE section. Have a great day ahead!

  3. im 42 yrs old and almost bald on my you think novuhair lotion will still be effective on my crown even im 42 already? thanks

    1. Hello Noel:) Thanks for the inquiry. Honestly I can’t conclude that Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion will still be effective in your case simply because I don’t have a clear vision as to the present condition of your hair and scalp. As a rule of thumb, for as long as the hair follicles are still open, then there’s a possibility to stimulate the growth of new hair using Novuhair. However if there are parts that appear to be shiny and the pores seem to have closed, unfortunately natural treatment may not assure you of hair regrowth. Your age is immaterial to right now. Novuhair is recommended for ages 12 years old and above.

      Novuhair is a topical scalp lotion, combining herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients that have been proven for centuries to help hair problems particularly hair loss. It’s a natural alternative and a long-term process. Based on our clinical findings, non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth
      can be achieved as early as 4 months. And the treatment doesn’t stop there. You have to continue another treatment to maintain the newly grown hair. It’s not an easy task but a safer way to regrow hair instead of resorting to surgery. The result that can be achieved will depend on the amount of commitment that the user will give to the treatment. Novuhair is used twice a day. For more info about the product, check PRODUCT INFORMATION section and see how the product is used. A certain degree of change in lifestyle will be required like refraining from using other hair treatment high in chemicals like gels and other shampoos. We have formulated a herbal shampoo designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. The 5 to 10 minutes massage is very important as well.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug or with some selected salon partners like Fanny Serrano, Tony & Jackey and others.

      We are currently working on exporting the product. However, the product can be purchased online as well through our service partner: Here’s the direct link:

      Just register in the site for FREE to be able to access the ordering cart. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Delivery to the USA and KSA normally takes 5-8 working days. Have a great day ahead!

      1. Hello Anita:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes. Just stop using Novuhair for at least 2-4 weeks, just to make sure that there are no side effects from the hair color you’ve used. But if you’ve been using the brand for quite some time and the result is alright, after 2 weeks, continue using Novuhair again.

  4. rudy d. fernandez

    Gud pm. if you compare novuhair to XXXXXXX which one is effective to use? im planning to buy XXXXXXXX kc but it took days to get the products kc im from pangasinan and their office is in cubao, parang naka2takot mgpurchase thru internet kc. I’d read about this site n available in mercury drug. Which one do you suggest to me by not enfavoring your products since i will be your future costumer someday.

    1. Hello Rudy:) In choosing the perfect product for your hair, it may seem difficult to distinguish which brand is better. Well, let me give you some recommendations:
      (1) Effectivity must be clinically proven and safety must be assured. Novuhair’s natural active ingredients have been proven for centuries to be effective and safe. To further highlight this, we have conducted our own local clinical study at St. Like’s Medical Center (Check HAIR & SCALP TIPS section at
      (2) Natural is always preferred. Check the ingredients used and research on the profile. (Check PRODUCT INFORMATION at and see the benefits of each natural component)
      (3) Product availability provides convenience. Novuhair has been approved for distribution by the major drugstore outlets in the Philippines because of the proven effectivity and high safety profile of the product. Novuhair is available in all Mercury Drug outlets, Watsons Personal Care Stores, Rose Pharmacies, South Star Drug, manson Drug and Cory Quirino World of Wellness Stores nationwide.

      I leave the option to you. Should the brand that you’re referring to fail to deliver the results you want to achieve, then try our product and see the difference that Fanny Serrano himself discovered and vouched his name for:) Cory Quirino agrees with him:)

    1. Hello Bobby:) Thanks for the inquiry. I recommend that you use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo everytime you take your shower. Towel dry then apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion. You will feel the cooling effect on the areas you have applied the lotion. This means that sufficient amount has been applied. It is important to massage the scalp for about 5 to 10 minutes. This will help increase the circulation of the blood vessels in the scalp area to compliment the absorption of the product. Congratulations on your decision to give your hair the treatment that it needs. Have a great day ahead.

  5. Hello! I’m taking a lot of vitamins like folic acid, biotin and Vit B12 for my thinning hair. My quesiton is do I have to stop taking these vitamins before I use the shampoo and the lotion?

    1. Hello Pipay:) You can use Novuhair instead since the product’s active ingredients are all natural and contains Biotin and Vitamin B5 already. Novuhair is a topical scalp lotion, meaning, it’s applied topically and directly on the affected areas without resorting to oral medication. It’s guaranteed effective and safe. Based on our clinical findings, non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth can be achieved as early as 4 months. The result that can be achieved will depend on the amount of commitment that the user will give to the treatment. Novuhair is used twice a day.

      For more info about the product, check PRODUCT INFORMATION section and see how the product is used. A certain degree of change in lifestyle will be required like refraining from using other hair treatment high in chemicals like gels and other shampoos. We have formulated a herbal shampoo designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. The 5 to 10 minutes massage is very important as well. You can also check our clinical findings on the efficacy and safety of Novuhair at the HAIR & SCALP CARE TIPS section. Have a great day ahead!

  6. Is it possible for the hair thinning or baldness to go back if I will stop using “Novuhair”? I’ve heard also about this product called xxxxx and it seems that after using it, it will guarantee the user not to be bald again. Kindly enlightened me….

    1. Hello PRVILLE:) Thanks for the inquiry. Hair thinning which is one of the factors that may lead to balding needs constant treatment to completely nourish the hair follicles and stimulate production of healthier, thicker strands. Novuhair will address this concern. It’s a long process but worth it. There’s no instant answer to this concern but a full commitment required to achieve the maximum results. Once you have achieved the desired results, then you may pause for 2 months then continue another 2-8 months treatment. If your hair has gone back to normal, then try to avoid using harsh chemical based products on your hair, keep a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, stay away from very stressful activities and others. I have never seen or heard any product that promises getting instant hair and not loosing it again. Hair growth cycle has a natural process. It’s the stimulation of the regrowth of new hair that’s important. If the hair starts to fall and no replacement occurs, then that’s the time you eventually become bald. Novuhair offers an effective, safe and natural option without the side effects that other brands offer. It’s just like planting a seed. You need water, sunlight and air to help it grow. But if you deprive it with these key elements upon sprouting, then it will surely die. The same thing applies to our hair. Once the new hair has started growing, the more that we need to continue nourishing it so it becomes thicker and healthier.

  7. Hi! I’ve been using your product and I noticed a big difference already. I also noticed that a lot of gray hairs are showing. Can I at least dye my hair once a month? Do I need to stop before I dye my hair?

    1. Hello Pipay? If you intend to have your hair color, you need to observe a 30-day resting period before using Novuhair again. Novuhair is effective and safe. But we are not sure if the hair color is safe. There have been reported cases that some hair color solutions develop hypersensitivity or allergies in the long run. What we can recommend is that once you’ve had your hair dyed, wait for 30 days then start using Novuhair. This is to make sure that all the harsh chemicals applied using the hair dye have been totally washed out and by that time, we can tell if no such hypersensitivities may result from using the hair dye. But what if you intend to have your hair dyed again after a month? You need to stop using Novuhair and observe again the 30-day resting period.

      But I strongly suggest that you continue using Novuhair instead of having your hair color treatment. Novuhair contains Biotin, Phyllantus emblica (Nelli) and Dexapanthenol (Vitamin B-5), – natural ingredients of Novuhair that have been scientifically linked to help prevent hair loss and hair graying.

      To know more about the natural components found in Novuhair, kindly visit and Click Product information to check out these amazing natural ingredients? Have a great week ahead:) Keep me posted.

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  11. tnong ko lng po kng after ko maubos ung bottle ng novu hair at naachieve ko n ung pglago ng hair ko ok nbng mgstop ng pggmit?

    1. Hello John:) After achieving your desired result, you may pause for 2 months then continue another treatment for 2 to 8 months to maintain a healthy hair. Have a great weekend:)

  12. I just want to ask if ok lang ba kung medyo marami ang pag apply ng novuhair lotion sa buhok ko? Baka kasi ma overdose eh.. Salamat po

    1. Hello Jayvee:) It’s perfectly safe so no need to worry. I recommend that you spray Novuhair topical scalp lotion into your palm and apply the lotion to the affected areas using your finger tips instead to avoid waste, spilling and using only sufficient amount. But if you can have somebody to assist you at home, this might work well. Have a great weekend!

  13. manipis talaga hair ko eversince, lalo na ang strands nito but it adds having hairfall when i reached age 30. guarantee ba using this product pra magka hair grow ako just to cover my baldness? thank you…

    1. Hello Liza:) Thanks for sharing your hair concern. Women do not suffer classic male pattern baldness, instead your hair becomes thinner around the whole scalp, and the hairline does not recede. This is dubbed “female pattern baldness” and may occur in males as well. This variety of androgenic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness. However, the psychosocial effects of this condition is alarming. Non-invasive treatment can help prevent this condition from worsening and the effective and safe solution is Novuhiar Topical Scalp Lotion. The active ingredients of Novuhair are natural. Based on our clinical study, with the consistent use of Novuhair, as early as 4 months, hair growth can be stimulated. But this effect may not have the same effect for everyone considering the many different individual make-up. Your expectations must be realistic. What I recommend is to start using Novuhair to start nourishing your hair follicles. However, bald spots where hair follicles have been destroyed cannot be restored with non-invasive treatments and require a hair transplant to achieve coverage.

  14. i’m only 17 years old. and i’m so concious with my hair. i think my hair is thinning and small part on the side of my forehead is balding(i think). is it still not too late to buy novuhair? is it available in mercury drugstore located here in bicol? hoping for immediate response.thank you! i want to buy novuhair

    1. Hello lavi:) Thanks for sharing your hair concern. Actually, at the age of 17, it’s highly recommended that you start the treatment especially if male or female pattern hair balding runs in your family. This is called alopecia. Alopecia is caused by DHT or Dihydrotestosterone hormones. Upon puberty stage, this hormone negatively affects the growth of the hair follicles therefore causing the minaturization or shrinkage of the hair follicles thereby producing thinner and thinner hair until the hair falls. DHT causes the reduction of the growth cycle of the hair and prematurely proceeds to the resting phase. There are no specific ingredients of Novuhair that will directly address DHT but the unique combination of the active natural ingredients will help prevent progression of Alopecia. Use Novuhair twice a day as early as now. To know more about the wonders of Novuhair, visit and click PRODUCT INFORMATION.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug or with some selected salon partners like Fanny Serrano, Tony & Jackey and others.

  15. thank you for the response!
    Actually.i’m so worried now with my hair. I am still a student and i’l try to save to buy it ASAP!maybe after 1 m0nth i can finally buy one! Then i’l post my feedback!
    Thanks for the information!
    Hope it’l work! Thank you!

  16. Hi i heard about your product and i’m eagerly interested to use it,if I rebond my hair do i need to stop using novuhair? how long will it takes to use it again..

    1. Hello Jennifer:) Thanks for the inquiry. We don’t recommend that you use Novuhair immediately after any hair treatment. If you intend to have your hair rebond and use Novuhair immediately, we don’t recommend that. You need to observe a 30-day resting period before using Novuhair. Again, Novuhair is effective and safe. But we are not sure if the hair treatment is safe. There have been reported cases that some hair treatment solutions develop hypersensitivity or allergies in the long run. What we can recommend is that once you’ve had your hair rebonded, wait for 30 days then start using Novuhair. This is to make sure that all the harsh chemicals applied using the hair treatment have been totally washed out and by that time, we can tell if no such hypersensitivities may result from using the treatment. But what if you intend to have your hair rebonded again after a several months? You need to stop using Novuhair and observe again the 30-day resting period.

  17. hi! im 21 yrs old, i use to style my hair everyday, use blow dryer, but i don’t put wax, sometimes i use hair iron, kapag naliligo ako, ang daming hair fall, which is unusual before, even while drying my hair, unusual ung hair fall, right side of my head seems to start hair thinning, mejo expensive po kasi ung bottle, meron po bang small bottle and less expensive?

    1. Hello kim:) It appears that your hair is suffering from hair thinning and excessive hair loss. Consistent use of Novuhair may help you treat this condition. However, we don’t have any smaller preparations and only the 200ml is available.

  18. hi! my daughter is suffering fron alopecia areata, she’s just 4 yrs old, is it safe if i use novuhair? how often will i have to apply it to her? thanks..

    1. Hello raquel:) It’s a sad reality that even young girls as early as 4 years old may experience alopecia areata. However, we don’t recommend the use of Novuhair to children below 12 years old. Your dermatologist can recommend to you other treatment suitable for her age. This is to make sure that the treatment is monitored by the doctor and the progress documented.

  19. I’m in my 20’s now i’m bald for 7 years in my forehead part. does it still work with me? there are few hairs that still growing. i wanna ask if this product is still works for me?

    1. Hello Lee:) Thanks for the inquiry. I recommend that you visit one of our hair and scalp analysis activities in selected major drugstores. Checkout at click NEWS & EVENTS. IN that way, our clinician can check if the hair follicles are still open. In that way we’ll know if the product may be of help. If the pores are closed and shiny, it’s not possible anymore. But for every small hair, there’s hope. I don’t want to create false hopes but through the analysis, you personally can come up with realistic expectations. 7 years without treatment is such a long time. The result is not overnight but safer and effective.

    1. Hello Anne:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair has no indication for polycystic ovarian syndrome. I want to ask if you don’t mind, if you’re experiencing excessive hair growth or hirsutism. I am asking because this is caused by the excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. Most of the online users who consult me are normally male, who experience excessive hair loss which is due to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which negative affects the hair follicles and produce thinning hair or even worse balding. Novuhair has no direct effect on DHT but the unique combination of the natural herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients may help address the miniaturization of the hai follicles by continuous nourishment. I ould like to assume that you’re experiencing excessive hair loss in this case. You can ask your doctor about this and see if our brand can be of help. Have a great weekend!

  20. Hello, can Novuhair also remedy other scalp problems like severe mild to medium flaking which I think has rapidly contributed on my hairloss? if so, can this already be the best substitute for xxxx and other ketoconazole products or should I continue using them backed-up with Novuhair.


    1. Hello Carlo:) Thanks for the inquiry. I highly suggest that you let your dermatologist know about this plan. There’s a reason why your doctor has prescribed the medicines. Novuhair is a cosmetic product that may help alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff. However, the diagnosis of your doctor may be entirely different. In cases of super-imposed fungal or bacterial infection on the scalp, other treatments may be prescribed by the doctor. Although the active ingredients of Novuhair are natural and the product is topically applied, it’s still best to let your doctor know.

  21. Hi, Good Day! I am currently 19 years old. And I am just having great opportunities in front of me. But my problem is, I don’t have tthe confidence, due to my hair fall problem. It’s not reaching more than 20 strands per day but my hair is not that thick for me to be “kampante”. This happens everyday. I always need to have my hair pinned or even ponytailed. But I can always feel its getting thinner. I’ve been through lots of dermatologists. And been suffering for almost 5 years. I’m begging for help. And asking for solutions. My scalp I guess was too sensitive. I already tried switching shampoos (for example, I used Brand A for a week if no results, I would not take shampoo for 2 days, then try another shampoo) but I always fail to get a get result. PLEASE, I might forget to check out for your reply so kindly repost your reply on my email address I attached here (on the MAIL). I will be waiting for the reply. Thank you and God Speed. –Abby

    1. Hello Abby:) I know exactly where you’re coming from. I have been into sales and marketing career for many years but this present job is the most critical and stressful one. I am in-charge of Novuhair and I have to try the product myself because I have a thinning hair problem and a noticeable receding hair line. I was very hesitant to use the product at first, but I have no choice but to become a product of the product for me to be able to sell more effectively. But it worked! Check my photos at

      The only problem I have right now is struggling to apply the lotion twice a day because I am really too tired to do so at night. I live in Makati but I work in Quezon City. I guess you know the traffic that I have to go through everyday which is very stressful. I am planning to move to Quezon City soon. You have tried so many brands and so why not try the best natural solution now?

    1. Hello V. Luna:) We are currently working on exporting the product. However, the product can be purchased online as well through our service partner:
      Here’s the direct link:
      Just register in the site for FREE to be able to access the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where the product will be delivered so that you will be given a quotation or estimate on the shipping cost that will be included in the payment. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Delivery to the USA normally takes about 8-10 working days. Have a great day ahead!

  22. gud day,i am a seafarer and im on the engine department.we are in the environment which is expose to a higher temperature than normal. i started using novu hair and its my first day of use. when i apply the lotion and when working some sweat will be flowing towards my eyes,is it safe or there is a little effect if it gets into my eyes? and i would like to ask also if theres no gloves to be used when applying the lotion into the scalp? thanks and more power. i will let you know as soon as i had the progress for my thinning hair.

    1. Hello Ariel:) Thank you for sharing your personal experience using Novuhair. I highly recommend that after the 5-10 minutes massage after applying the lotion, you may rinse your hair and towel dry. Do this in the morning and leave on the lotion just at night. The best is to avoid anything come in contact with your eyes. The stain produced when massaging normally gets washed with plain water. However, if you’re not comfortable using your bare hands, then you can use surgical gloves. I will be glad to hear your progress soon.

  23. my hair is damage due to excesive rebonding and now no matter how large the amountof conditioner used still it is very dry and dull..can novuhair shampoohelp my problem?what should i do?

    1. Hello Ame:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair topical scalp lotion contains natural ingredients that will help nourish and improve the overall cosmetic conditions of the hair. Hair restoration is a long process that Novuhair alone cannot address, but may help a lot. Novuhair addresses prevention of excessive hair fall, alleviate scalp itchiness and dandruff, and help stimulate hair growth. I recommend that you seek professional help from a dermatologist so that the extent of the damage can be diagnosed. Conditioners are intended for the hair strands only and should not be applied on the scalp. This may cause irritations and block the hair follicles. I recommend that you try Novuhair and see the difference.
      Here’s how to use Novuhair:
      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use
      other herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal
      Shampoo will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      6. Repeat the same procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice
      a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair
      loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair
      growth noticeable in as early as 4 months. Again, this may apply in general
      but not to all, similar to pharmaceutical medications. Depending on the
      damage or condition of the hair, the result may vary. Some even notice
      the result earlier while some may take more time.
      Hope I was able to address your concerns.

  24. Jazreen Agustin

    hi…I am 21 yrs. old, female, college instructor and pursuing my MA. I am really bothered about experiencing hair loss and hair thinning in my crown area. I consulted a dermatologist already and in more than one month I am applying hair grower shampoo and solution but I do not see improvement since I still experience hair loss. I am really worried and scared, is it safe to apply Novuhair from buying it over the counter? I really would like to try Novuhair but I am scared if it will be effective since I badly need it…I am really stressed out..Please help…

    1. Hello Jazreen:) Thanks for the inquiry. If you’re currently using the prescribed drug recommended by your dermatologist, I highly suggest that you inform him/her about your plan to switch to another brand. Novuhair is not a drug but a cosmetic product. I highly recommend that if you opt to shift now, please make sure that you allow a 30-days grace period before using the product. This is to make sure that should there be any withdrawal effects from the previous drug, you can identify the culprit and not put the blame on Novuhair. Novuhair’s active ingredients are all natural, ergo, safe and effectively proven for centuries.

  25. Hello! Good Day! Ask ko lang po if i can avail NovuHair Shampoo alone??..kasi nagtanong ako sa Mercury Drug, kasama talaga ang Lotion at Shampoo kapag binili. Eh balak ko lang po sana 1product lang ang iaavail ko kasi nga mabigat talaga sa bulsa yung presyo nitong Novuhair…Please advise po. Thanks!

    1. Hello Sephye:) Thanks for the inquiry. I suggest that you purchase the topical scalp lotion individually and buy another brand of herbal shampoo if your budget doesn’t allow it now. Mercury drug has a gugu shampoo. Although it may not deliver the same effects, at least you’re not using a chemical-based shampoo. Maybe the Mercury drug branch you have inquired with ran out of stocks of the lotion. We don’t sell the herbal shampoo separately.

  26. .,i’m 18 years old pa lng po, and i’m start losing my this product, can i get back the growth of my hairline?
    mgkano po ang novu hair topical lotion at novu hair shampoo?

    1. Hello TJ emrick:) Thanks for the inquiry. You’re still young and at the right age to start the treatment. Does it run in the family? If so, then it’s hereditary. If it doesn’t run in your family, then I can assume that your hair follicles are not healthy and needs cosmetic intervention to improve the overall properties. Novuhair may help address this concern. However for hereditary cases, receding hairline may require longer treatment. Therefore it will be wiser to select a natural remedy that will not produce adverse effects for long-term management. I recommend that you start using Novuhair now. Novuhair topical scalp lotion 200ml good for 2-3 months use is priced at P2,800 while the Combi Pack which includes the 200ml herbal shampoo is priced at P3,980. Check it out at any Mercury Drug or Watsons branch.

    1. Hello Laurence:)Thanks for the inquiry. Honestly I have no idea what your expected result is or what’s the present condition of your hair. I don’t want to assume. However, if you’re experiencing excessive hair loss now, in 2-6 weeks, that concern can be addressed, depending on the amount of dedication that you’ll invest in using the product as directed while making sure you observe a healthy lifestyle. If you have achieved the effect in addressing excessive hair loss, then you can stop using the product. Howevr, if your hair problem concerns hereditary receding hairline or bald spots, you need to use the product for at least 4 months. Then you can pause for 2 months then continue another treatment for 2-8 months until the hair has fully developed into healthy strands. Again, realistic expectations must be set based on the present condition of your hair prior to using the product. If your hair problem has not been treated for many years, you don’t have to expect the results overnight. If you stop using the product and continue living an unhealthy lifestyle, again your hair problem can resurfaced. Therefore I recommend that you continue a healthy living and avoid any harsh chemical treatments or products on your hair.

  27. is it okay for me a 14 years old girl to use the novuhair topical lotion i have a thin hair but not because i have falling hairs it’s because i inherited my thin hair from my mother and i want to have a thick hair so it is okay for me to use it thank you

    1. Hello Danica:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes you may use Novuhair. Novuhair is indicated to men and women experiencing thinning hair and excessive hair loss from ages 12 years old and above.

    1. Hello Mitch:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City) and Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu & Colon Cebu).
      Unfortunately we don’t market smaller packaging for Novuhair because the small sizes will not be sufficient to see the maximum results. We opt to deliver full satisfaction in that way our customers may fully get the benefits.

  28. Hi winter is coming here in rome gusto ko po gumamit ang novuhair.Puede po ba gumamit ng blower pagkatapos lagyan ang novuhair lotion.wala po ba side effect kung gumamit ng blower.Magkano po ang novuhair shampoo and novuhair scalp lotion.

    1. Hello Juvy:) Thanks for the inquiry. Although we don’t really recommend the use of the hair blower, just make sure that the temperature is low and not too close to the hair and scalp for this may irritate your scalp. If you massage Novuhair topical scalp lotion for 5-10 minutes, it will be dry enough to comb and style as usual.

      You can ask your relative or family member here in the Philippines who will be visiting you there to purchase the product here and bring it there. They may find it difficult to send the product via air freight because the product contains natural plant alcohol which is not allowed. Sea freight will allow but will take more time. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City) and Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu & Colon Cebu).

      We are currently working on exporting the product. However, the product can be purchased online as well through our service partner: The price is higher because of the shipping and online service fees. Here’s the direct link:
      Just register in the site for FREE to be able to access the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where the product will be delivered so that you will be given a quotation or estimate on the shipping cost that will be included in the payment. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Have a great day ahead!

    1. hello Che 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. If you already achieved your desired results, then you can stop using Novuhair. You may pause for two months then continue another treatment for the next two months so you can take care of the baby hairs that have started to grow. Avoid harsh chemicals from hair products that can irritate or harm these new hair.

    1. Hello Arsani 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. (Standard Price Only)

    1. Hello Kevin:) Thanks for the inquiry. First and foremost, I’d like to know if your case is hereditary, meaning, it runs in your family. If it does, then the treatment could have started as early as puberty stage. But it’s not yet too late to start now. Second, if it’s not hereditary, and probably caused by other environmental factors and personal health lifestyle, in both cases, Novuhair can help you with your problem. Third, have you been using any chemical-based treatment? If yes, then I highly recommend that you observe a 30-day resting period before switching to Novuhair. We need to do this in that way, should there be any adverse effects from discontinuing the use of that chemical based treatment, we’ll easily identify the real cause and not blame Novuhair for the mishap. Fourth, Novuhair topical scalp lotion is the product that you need and not the herbal shampoo alone, and by the way, we don’t sell the herbal shampoo in individual pack. It’s either you buy the lotion alone or you buy the Combi pack set, which includes both lotion and the herbal shampoo. Use Novuhair lotion to address now your excessive hair shedding. In 2-5 weeks, you’ll see the great improvement. Thus if you can control your hair shedding, you can arrest hair loss. Have a great weekend!

  29. Hello po, im 32 yrs old and in 5 years in dialysis treatment and right now i am experiencing hairfall, but before wal naman, is it safe tp ise novuhair for us patient? Thank u so much

    1. Hello Piper:) Thanks for the inquiry. One of the causes of excessive hair fall is attributed to drug medication. I highly recommend that you ask your physician if he/she has prescribed a drug or medicine that’s attributing to this. It will be completely useless to use Novuhair if you need to take the drug to treat your condition now. Novuhair is only a topical treatment and not taken orally ergo safe from any systemic effects. It’s best that you consult your doctor first.

  30. hai, gud pm!!..i have a thin and dry hair eversince, so i go to parlor twice a year to have my hair rebonded..presently, i have excessive hairfall when i comb my hair after shower,im afraid i may loss my hair sooner..can novu hair help me??

    1. Hello Vivz288 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. Novuhair topical scalp lotion contains natural ingredients that will help nourish and improve the overall cosmetic conditions of the hair. Hair restoration is a long process that Novuhair alone cannot address, but may help a lot. Novuhair addresses prevention of excessive hair fall, alleviate scalp itchiness and dandruff, and help stimulate hair growth.

      If you intend to have your hair rebond twice a year, you need to observe a 30-day resting period before using Novuhair again. Novuhair is effective and safe. But we are not sure if the hair rebond is safe.This is to make sure that all the harsh chemicals applied using for hair rebond have been totally washed out. Novuhair active ingredients are natural, mixing natural and chemical substance might create another problem due to unwanted reactions.

  31. hi, good day.. i have thinning hair around the crown, and i think this is due to stress and dandruff.. i want to start using Novuhair immediately. One question though, i am using xxxx once a week to treat my dandruff, will this have adverse effect on the Novuhair treatment? Should i stop using xxxx?

    1. Hello Christine 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. If you intend to use Novuhair immediately, we don’t recommend that. You need to observe a 30-day resting period before using. This is to make sure that all the chemical substance included in the treatment product you use for dandruff are totally washed out. Novuhair active ingredients are natural, mixing natural and chemical substance might create another problem due to unwanted reactions.

      Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. Novuhair contains natural ingredients that will alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. It controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair. The following natural ingredients found in Novuhair will address your dandruff problem:
      Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.
      Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.
      Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
      Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.
      Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.

  32. Tanong ko lang po kung ano ung dapat na gamitin ko na product ng Novuhair I’m 23 yrs old and ngsimula ng numipis yung hair ko filing ko nagmana po ako sa father ko ano po ba dapat kong gawin using Novuhair sana my chance pa..

    1. Hello Pao 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. If you feel that your hair thinning is due to your genetic make-up the fate of your hair can be compensated for with a natural hair loss treatment such as Novuhair. The herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients found in Novuhair helps prevent hair thinning which may eventually lead to early balding even at such a young age. It doesn’t happen overnight. There’s no shortcut to natural beauty, it takes time. What you’re assured of, is the effectivity and safety of Novuhair because all the active components are natural, proven to help cure hair problems such as hair loss for centuries. The color and the scent of Novuhair is all-natural, no harsh chemicals combined to produce a more favorable quality simply to attract consumers but result to hair damage in the long run. I recommend that you use Novuhair to start nourishing your thin hair to stop the progression of hair loss and restore a healthy hair. Patience is a virtue. What’s important is that you’re doing the right thing for your hair.

    1. Hello Joef 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City) and Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu & Colon Cebu).

      For more info about the product, check PRODUCT INFORMATION section and see how the product is used. A certain degree of change in lifestyle will be required like refraining from using other hair treatment high in chemicals like gels and other shampoos. We have formulated a herbal shampoo designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. The 5 to 10 minutes massage is very important as well. You can also check our clinical findings on the efficacy and safety of Novuhair at the HAIR & SCALP CARE TIPS section.

      Thank you and have a great day ahead.

    1. Hello Tamahome 🙂 Thank you for expressing your intention to distribute Novuhair in Abu-Dhabi UAE. We share the same vision of bringing the product not only to Filipinos, but to the rest of the people worldwide.

      Mr. Raymond Y. Domingo our Corporate Sales and Marketing Manager of Nutra Medica, Inc. will be in Dubai to attend the MENOPE 2012 (Middle East Natural and Organic Product 2012; by The Dubai International Convention Centre) from November 27 – 29, 2012 at Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE.

      Definitely a good opportunity to discuss your business proposal up close and personal, we would like you to visit the expo, you may find us through our booth, Mr. Raymond Y. Domingo will be on call during the whole event, if you have concern regarding his stay in Dubai please call him through his roaming number +639922-8780575. Thank you and good luck.

  33. hi.. is it ok if I just buy the lotion w/o the shampoo? will it still be effective? and also if it is ok w/o the shampoo, can i use other shampoo wen i take a shower? and lastly, will it be effective if the cause of my hairfall is using too much hairwax and gel? pls response.

    1. Hello Bagsik 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. I recommend that you use both the topical scalp lotion and the herbal shampoo to achieve the maximum results. However, if you’re on a tight budget, Novuhair topical scalp lotion may help address your problem. Just make sure that you use a plain herbal shampoo. Novuhair can help address excessive hair shedding and with continuous use, may help stimulation of hair growth. Novuhair is the safe natural alternative in arresting hair loss as early as now. Yes,you may only apply the scalp lotion on the affected area then massage for 5 to 10 minutes to stimulate circulation. We refrain you to use hair wax, gel or any hair styling products that contains alcohol or chemical substance instead use a water base hair styling products. Thank you.

    1. Hello Anthony 🙂 Thank you for your inquiry. Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth noticeable in as early as 4 months

      Directions for use:

      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use
      other herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal
      Shampoo will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      6. Repeat the same procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

      Liberal or generous amount is necessary in the absorption process and make the massaging of scalp a relaxing experience. Don’t be too rough when massaging scalp to avoid pulling hair out and damaging your hair follicles. Extended contact with your scalp allows greater penetration into the hair.

      Thank you and have a great day ahead.

      1. Hello Rosemarie:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

        Good news! Novuhair is now available for home delivery via Just call 212.1212 or send the word “ORDER” to 0918.2121212 and a customer support representative will give you a call to process your order. Delivery charge of 10% if your address is within the 3km. radius of Makati or Tomas Morato in Quezon City, additional minimal charge of P50.00 per additional kilometer beyond the 3km. base. Payment can be made via ATM debit card , credit card, G-cash or cash basis.

        For more information, you may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates.

  34. please my father has bald head. and mine is falling out and also i started losing my hair at the age of 18years im 20years now please i want to know if my hair will grow back if i apply novuhair lotion to my hair? and how long will it take to grow? bald head runs in my family plsease i really need ur help because i have started using the lotion already.

    1. Hello Chrysanthus:) Thanks for sharing your hair concern with me. Thanks for the interesting inquiry. Male Pattern Hair Loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. To shed light on your case, let’s come up with realistic expectations. Honestly, I can’t jump into conclusions or any assumptions because I haven’t seen the actual condition of your scalp, just like what medical doctors would normally say. But based on our daily hair and scalp analysis which we conduct in major drugstores here in the Philippines, the “shiny or smooth” scalp that you refer to often times make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores where the hair sprout are considered closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin and at a closer look, you’ll find out that only about 1-2 hair strands are growing. It is here where Novuhair can help you nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product. I have been using Novuhair for the last 17 months. Checkout my personal discovery using Novuhair at
      I’ve used it because I am experiencing the same fate:) Check out my photos and you will see that there’s a significant change that happened which motivated me to continue using Novuhair. I didn’t know that something positive is happening but when my friends started to notice it, it simply made me happy.

      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use
      other herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal
      Shampoo will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      6. Repeat the same procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice
      a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair
      loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair
      growth noticeable in as early as 4 months. Again, this may apply in general
      but not to all, similar to pharmaceutical medications. Depending on the
      damage or condition of the hair, the result may vary. Some even notice
      the result earlier while some may take more time.

  35. Meron po akong dandruff, matagal na po ito pero hanggang ngayon hindi pa rin nawawala at ito ang dahilan ng pagnipis ng buhok ko. Matatanggal po ba ito pag gumamit ako ng Novuhair?

    1. Hello Jeype 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. Novuhair contains natural ingredients that will alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. It controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair. The following natural ingredients found in Novuhair will address your dandruff problem:
      Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.
      Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.
      Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
      Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.
      Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.

  36. hi..Nagpakulay po ako ng hair ko nung december 2012 gusto ko po sana i-try ang Novuhair scalp lotion at shampoo dahil numinipis ang hair ko ngayon.okey lang po ba na gumamit na ako ngayon kahit na kakukulay pa lang ng hair ko?Thanks

    1. Hello Jhen:) Thanks for the inquiry. We don’t recommend that you use Novuhair immediately after any salon treatment. Kindly observe a 30-days resting period. This is done in order to check if the salon treatment will cause any allergies or hypersensitivities. In that way, you or your doctor can immediately identify the culprit or the cause. We don’t want our product to be blamed for the mishap. In the same way that if you intend to have another salon treatment, Novuhair treatment must be discontinued.

      For more information, you may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates.

    1. Hello jhun:) Thanks for the inquiry. We are currently working on exporting the product. However, the product can also be purchased online through our service partner: Here’s the direct link:
      Just register in the site for FREE to be able to access the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where the product will be delivered so that you will be given a quotation or estimate on the shipping cost that will be included in the payment. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Delivery to Kuwait normally takes about 8-10 working days. Have a great day ahead!
      For more information, you may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates.

  37. Just resending after some errors on first attemp.
    I just heard about the product in Salamat Doc but failed to watch the entire program so before trying the product, just want to ask one for male who is in his 40s, the baldness is already there but unsure if the hair folicles are already closed or still open but noticeably shiny in affected area.
    Can novuhair product has the ability to regrow and restore those fallen hairs after years?
    Looking forward to hearing from Novuhair

    1. ello Hex:) Thanks for the inquiry. Many mistaken the product as a hair grower when in fact it’s not. Novuhair stops the progression of hair loss. People experiencing excessive hair fall or are experiencing hair thinning sooner or later will become bald. To stop this progression, we need to increase the nutrition in the scalp and the blood circulation and Novuhair delivers this, thus preventing hair loss. Stimulation of hair growth is just a result of the continuous use. Growing is a bonus and how to keep the new grown hair healthy and strong is another thing. That’s why we recommend the use of Novuhair for maintenance for those whose hair have started growing. For bald areas, and the condition has been like this for years, probably the pores have closed and the hair follicles have shrinked. That’s why these areas are shiny. This is not possible for Novuhair’s intervention.

  38. Hi! I just bought the Novuhair combi pack of shampoo and lotion. Is it ok to use it only in the evening, then in the morning, apply Finesse Volumizing Mousse (Alcohol Free) and have your hair blow dried? I need to do this daily because of work. Pls advice asap. Thank you!

    1. Hello Liza:) Thanks for the inquiry. In order to achieve better results, Novuhair is recommended to be used twice a day. I guess you know what happens when you regularly blow your hair and use products with high chemical concentrations. It’s your call. I recommend that you choose a change in lifestyle and go for natural!

  39. good evening ! 21 yrs old na po aq mejo may k0nting bald dun sa tuktok ng buhok q and im experiencing hair fall .tsaka may mga white hairs na rin po aq guxt0h q po talaga gumamit ng n0vuhair Tsaka napanuod q c fanny seran0 sa rated k at kht xia nagsbi effective nga daw.. Wla pa kc aq w0rk pero pag iipunan q ung shampo0 at lotion . Ano po b mas effective sa dalawa ?

    1. Hello Rhiza:) Thanks for the inquiry. You should start using Novuhair as early as now to stop the progression of your hair thinning which may eventually lead to hair loss. If you’re really on budget, you can use Novuhair topical scalp lotion 200ml, good for 2-3 months, priced at Php2,800 and use a herbal shampoo to wash you hair like gugu, aloe vera or tea tree shampoo. Here’s how to use Novuhair:
      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      Based on our clinical findings, non-progression of hair loss and prevention of excessive hair shedding is achieved within 2-5 weeks while the stimulation of hair growth can be achieved as early as 4 months. But this is on a case-to-case basis. Every individual may experience differently depending on the lifestyle and health habits of the person.

    1. Hello Berto:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, you may augment your treatment using Novuhair. The product will help increase the nutrition in your scalp and increase blood circulation to aid stimulation of hair growth. It may just be one of the natural options.

  40. kristelle sarmiento

    Hi..Ok lang po ba magparebond kung gumagamit ng novuhair.. or pwede po b gumamit ng novuhair after mkapagpahair rebond? May epekto po b ito sa effectivity ng isat-isa? thanks..

    1. Hello Kristelle Sarmiento:) Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

    1. Hello Jon:) Thanks for the inquiry. I highly suggest that you apply on the entire scalp so your entire scalp gets the nutrition. It takes time to grow hair on the hair line. Your priority now is to maintain the existing hair and help stimulate the growth of new hair by increasing the nutrition and increasing the blood circulation.

  41. Hi. Im not suffring frm any hairfall, before, i have ths mannerism on picking up my hair and i cnt stop it till n0w.. Cn i still use ths prduct for thickening my hair again? And how many m0nths is the standard in using ths prduct? Thanks

    1. Hello Paulaghe:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair may help address hair thinning with consistent use. This may never happen overnight but for months. Based on our clinical trial, using Novuhair for 2-5 weeks will help address excessive hair shedding. Stimulation of hair growth (baby hairs) may start to be noticeable on the 4th month for some, while others may take longer, depending on the present condition of the hair prior to the treatment. What I can suggest is that you visit any of our FREE hair and scalp analysis. Check the schedule and venue at In that way, you can monitor the progress of your treatment. Have a great week ahead!

  42. hi, im suffering now of hair fall…is it possible due to stress and nervous? and I have some flicks on my scalp.. Does novuhair is effective on this scenario? tnx

    1. Hello Tess:) Thanks for the inquiry. There’s a big possibility that your hair fall may be due to stress. There might also be a possibility that it’s systemic. Do you think it’s hereditary or runs in your family? The best thing to do now is to be able to control the excessive hair shedding thus prevent hair loss. I highly recommend that you use Novuhair as early as now. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion is a combination of natural herbs, essential oils and co-factor nutrients which are proven and used for centuries to cure hair problems. NOVUHAIR® penetrates deep to rejuvenate, nourish and maintain moisture in the scalp and hair. By improving the blood circulation in the scalp, NOVUHAIR® stimulates hair growth and prevents further hair fall. NOVUHAIR® also improves the overall appearance of the hair.
      The flakes that you see might be dandruff. I suggest that you visit any of our free hair and scalp analysis to check if it’s really dandruff. Checkout

      Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. NOVUHAIR® contains active natural ingredients that can help alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth, controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair. The following natural ingredients found in NOVUHAIR® will address your dandruff problem:
      (1) Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.
      (2) Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.
      (3) Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
      (4) Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.
      (5) Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.
      Here’s how to use Novuhair:
      1. Take a shower and use NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only NOVUHAIR®Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.
      With consistent daily use of at least two times a day for 4-6 weeks, you can look forward to the benefits of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion in preventing hair loss, retarding further hair thinning and improving the overall cosmetic properties of your hair. Increased number of hair growth will be noticeable mostly on the 4th month, depending on the commitment and frequency of usage.

  43. Zhen D.Salcedo

    Hai. Gud day na opera ako last December sa adrenal ngayn l notice that I am having hair fall, everyday marami nahuhulog. I just have my hair color 2 weeks ago. Can I already use Novuhair. Thanks…

    1. Hello Zhen:) Thanks for the inquiry. Major surgeries are just one of the major causes of excessive hair shedding. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only NOVUHAIR®Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575

      1. Hello. I just want to ask some questions before using your product, Novuhair.

        Medyo nataas na kasi ung hairline ko. You know what i mean. Eh 23y/o pa lang po ako ngaun so ayaw kong mangyari na tuluyang maging bald ako. Gusto ko sanang gumamit ng novuhair. Bale mahilig po akong gumamit ng wax or clay kasi buhaghag po kasi ung buhok ko. So nagamit ako nun para maging maayos tingnan ung buhok kaso aun nga po, mejo nagiging bald na ako. Pede pa ba akong gumamit ng clay or wax pag nagamit na din ako ng novuhair? Anu pong maipapayo nio sa case ko?

        thanks in advance for your response.

        1. Hello Jan:) Thanks for the inquiry. You still have an option. Use Novuhair and use a water-based gel. Avoid the alcohol-based ones. Receding hair line is a given if it runs in your family – hereditary. Male Pattern Hair Loss or hereditary hair loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. Most often, the “shiny or smooth” scalp make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores are closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin as seen by the naked eye but with a closer look, using a hair and scalp analyzer, you’ll find out that there are still small hair strands growing. It is here where NOVUHAIR® can help nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product.

  44. Hello. Just want to ask, gusto ko sanang bumili ng NovuHair kasi mejo nataas na kasi ung hairline ko. may history kasi kami ng pagiging bald. Bale 23 years old na po ako. Tsaka ang isa ko pa ding concern eh mahilig kasi akong gumamit ng hair wax. Pag ba gumamit ako ng novuhair eh bawal na akong mag hair wax? Thanks in advance sa reply.

    1. Hello Jan Doe:) Thanks for the inquiry. You may still use hair styling products, just choose the water-based products and avoid the alcohol-based ones. Male Pattern Hair Loss or hereditary hair loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. Most often, the “shiny or smooth” scalp make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores are closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin as seen by the naked eye but with a closer look, using a hair and scalp analyzer, you’ll find out that there are still small hair strands growing. It is here where NOVUHAIR® can help nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product.

  45. Hi! If I apply Novuhair on a part of my scalp that had no hair ever since, will it promote growth of new hair? My hairline is too high and I want to grow a “lower” hairline. Is that possible with Novuhair?

    Another question: Can Novuhair also be applied in outher parts of the body where you want to grow thick hair? What parts?


    1. Hello Nicole:) Thanks for the inquiries. If the pores on the scalp have closed, then there’s no way for the product to help. Novuhair helps stop the progression of hair loss. Novuhair is intended for topical application on the scalp and not in other parts of the body. The different skin parts of the body have different growth cycles.

  46. Hi,

    Would like to inquire. My hair is rebonded and I am experiencing hair loss since i started to rebond my hair every 8 hair is not actually curly, i can say its natural-straight but due to use of ponytails my hair curls in the middle part so I get to rebond it to have bagsak hair again. I wanted to try Novuhair but my concern is, is novuhair would affect the straightness of my hair? will the curl comes back if i use novuhair? Will novuhair wash out the chemicals that maintains the straightness of my hair? coz i really wanted to have straight hair.

    Please respond in my email. Thanks for the help!

    1. Hello Weng:) Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

  47. Hello po. I have an allergy history from analgesics to pollen to cleaning products and even to the simplest okra sap. I do have thinning hair and as a female, it gives me a very low self esteem and no self-confidence. Since the hair is the crowning glory supposedly for women, I would like to try this product. How do I test novuhair for any allergic reactions before using it completely? I’m desperate…pls help…

    1. Hello Agnes:) Thanks for the inquiry. Try to ask any of your friends using Novuhair and have it tested on your skin first. The active ingredients are natural. However, if you’re really sensitive to some ingredients, testing first may help.

  48. I really have a thin hair since I was a kid and now that I’m already of age,I am so conscious because it looks like I’m bald and undergoing a chemo treatment. Is this really effective? Any suggestions of what to use as a beginner? how much does it cost and where can i buy this? Thanks!

    1. Hello Elagna:) Thanks for the inquiry. Your cancer treatment is focused on killing the cancerr cells. The treatment kills any fast-growing cells which is a characteric of a cancer cell. Unfortunately, the hair’s growth cycle is as fast which makes it difficult for the treatment to identify whether it is a cancer cell or simply a hair cell, therefore, it kills the cells as well. That’s why you experience excessive hair fall or hair thinning. I recommend therefore that you start using Novuhair after your treatment.
      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only NOVUHAIR®Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

      NOVUHAIR® NATURE’S ANSWER TO HAIR LOSS is now available in a “3-in-1” pack. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 contains one bottle each of Herbal Shampoo, Topical Scalp Lotion and Herbal Conditioner to provide the user the optimum benefits of NOVUHAIR® natural hair loss solution. When used in combination, one should experience an even better result than used individually.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion, NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo and NOVUHAIR® Herbal Conditioner contain herbal components which are widely known for their benefits on scalp and hair. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 is now available at Watsons, priced at P4,980. For more information, visit

  49. Hello! May bald spot po ako sa tuktok ng ulo ko. I’m 35 years old female. Last August 2012 nagkaroon ng small bald spot hanggang sa lumaki n sya.
    Ok po ba kahit may bald spot n gumamit ng Novuhair? Nakatira po ako sa Japan saan po ako puede bumili?

    1. Hello Hapz:) Novuhair will help your alopecia condition. NOVUHAIR®can also be purchased online through our service partner: Simply type the word Novuhair on the search bar. Just register in the site for FREE to get access in the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where you want the product to be delivered. A quotation or estimate on the shipping cost included in the payment will be provided to you. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards.

    1. Hello Mae:) Thanks for the inquiry. One bottle of Novuhair topical scalp lotion 200ml normally lasts up to 2-3 months since it’s recommended to be used twice a day. The treatment depends on your desired results. For excessive hair loss, I recommend that you use the lotion and the herbal shampoo for 4-6 weeks. For thinning hair and stimulation of hair growth, these conditions will require a minimum of 4 months and above, depending on the condition of your scalp prior to treatment. I recommend also that you have your scalp checked. We have a schedule of free hair and scalp analysis conducted in selected drugstore chains in Metro manila. Please check the April schedule at

  50. Hi. :)I am only 23 y/o but i have a very thin hair on the crown part of my head. 🙁 Is it really effective? And may I know the side effects of this? Thank you.

    1. Hello Regz:) Thanks for the inquiry. All the active ingredients of Novuhair are safe and effective. Check Male Pattern Hair Loss or hereditary hair loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. Most often, the “shiny or smooth” scalp make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores are closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin as seen by the naked eye but with a closer look, using a hair and scalp analyzer, you’ll find out that there are still small hair strands growing. It is here where NOVUHAIR® can help nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product.

    1. Hello Harry:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, you may have your hair cut any time. Just make sure that you religiously use the product as recommended, twice a day, and massage for 5-10 minutes. Use a herbal shampoo to wash your hair.

    1. Hello Christian:) Thanks for the inquiry. Male Pattern Hair Loss or hereditary hair loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. Most often, the “shiny or smooth” scalp make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores are closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin as seen by the naked eye but with a closer look, using a hair and scalp analyzer, you’ll find out that there are still small hair strands growing. It is here where NOVUHAIR® can help nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product.

      Can NOVUHAIR® directly address DHT?
      DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone or enzyme that negatively affects the hair follicles of those with hereditary hair loss, starting at puberty stage. The DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize and eventually produce thinner hair. NOVUHAIR® does not have any direct effect on DHT but may help continuously nourish the hair follicles thus prevent further thinning.

  51. hi, uhm, im currently working here at Saudi Arabia. i heard about your products. im just wonderin, kse dito sa Saudi matapang ang timpla ng local water. tapos super init pa ng tubig, kaya di maiwasan pati tubig na lumalabas sa shower mainit na din. its one of the causes ng hairfall right now mostly kakilala kong pinoys ang nipis na ng scalp or nakakalbo na. can you give me some tips? more power po! thanks in advance.


    how much would it cost if i order online? dont have a credit card. or much better na makisuyo na lang ako sa friend sa pinas na pupunta dito?

    1. Hello Zyke:) Thanks for the inquiry. What I can suggest is that you keep the water still for a while to coll it down a bit and not pour directly in your scalp while it’s warm. Use a herbal shampoo to wash your hair such as Novuhair herbal shampoo, towel dry, then apply Novuhair topical scalp lotion to increase the nutrition in your scalp and help produce healthier hair. We are currently working on exporting the product. However, NOVUHAIR®can also be purchased online through our service partner: Simply type the word Novuhair on the search bar. Just register in the site for FREE to get access in the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where you want the product to be delivered. A quotation or estimate on the shipping cost included in the payment will be provided to you. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards.

    1. Hello Angelo:) Thanks for the inquiry. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

      NOVUHAIR® NATURE’S ANSWER TO HAIR LOSS is now available in a “3-in-1” pack. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 contains one bottle each of Herbal Shampoo, Topical Scalp Lotion and Herbal Conditioner to provide the user the optimum benefits of NOVUHAIR® natural hair loss solution. When used in combination, one should experience an even better result than used individually. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion, NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo and NOVUHAIR® Herbal Conditioner contain herbal components which are widely known for their benefits on scalp and hair. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 is now available at Mercury Drug and Watsons, priced at P4,980.

    1. Hello Blue:) Thanks for the inquiry. If you have been using that particular hair color for some time and no allergies are caused, then there’s no problem using Novuhair after the treatment. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

  52. japhet ontong

    hellow po, I’am 23 yrs old, Iam Engineer n working in hard kind of job yung tipong papawisan ka. Can i achieve the full benefits of this product kahit pawesin po yung ulo ko?

    1. Hello Japhet:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, for as long as you regularly wash your hair to remove excess oils and dirt that’s accumulated during the day preferably using Novuhair herbal shampoo. Then use Novuhair topical scalp lotion to increase the nutrition in your scalp. Here’s how to use the product properly:
      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only NOVUHAIR®Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

  53. hi, i’m 29 years old,. ang problem ko po ay yung buhok ko sa bangs, medyo manipis na, nagsimula itong numipis about 2 years ago. do you think ppwede pang tumubo yung buhok ko? and ano po ang dapat kong gamitin para tumubo ulit ang bihok ko..thanks!

    1. Hello Mel:) Thanks for the inquiry. Your priority now I guess is how to keep and maintain the health of the existing hair. First, you should address hair thinning. You need to increase the nutrition in your scalp using Novuhair topical scalp lotion. Refrain from using shampoos with high chemical ingredients and use Novuhair herbal shampoo instead. It’s good if you start using Novuhair 2-in-1 combi pack. Stimulation of hair growth will just be a product of a conscious effort to change your lifestyle, compliance using Novuhair and a shift to wellness.

    1. Hello Timothy:) Thanks for the inquiry. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

  54. do i need to buy both or i can use a no scent, herbal shampoo and use nuvohair after.. would that be okay or nuvohair shampoo and lotion are both required?

    1. Hello Jason:) Thanks for the inquiry. You may use Novuhair topical scalp lotion and another herbal shampoo to wash your hair. However, in order to achieve the maximum results, we highly recommend that you use Novuhair herbal shampoo. The shampoo has been developd to complement the lotion.

  55. Hi. I have a major problem. I’m just 18 y/o pero unti unti ng nalalagas yung buhok ko . Bata pa ako para maging ganito buhok ko . And i need the right solution! What should i do and how to us your product? Thanks!

    1. Hello Daryll:) Thanks for the inquiry. Does it run in your family? Is it hereditary? Male Pattern Hair Loss or hereditary hair loss, as it is more commonly called, is affecting more than 50% of the American male population. And sadly, even Asians are not spared of this eventuality. Most often, the “shiny or smooth” scalp make us conclude that the hair follicles have shrinked and the openings or pores are closed. This is why some people resort to surgery to transplant the hair. But don’t be sad. There’s still hope for the remaining hair follicles that are still open. Normally these are the areas where the hair is thin as seen by the naked eye but with a closer look, using a hair and scalp analyzer, you’ll find out that there are still small hair strands growing. It is here where NOVUHAIR® can help nourish these areas so as not to prematurely fall. Again, realistic expectations… the time to restore these areas will depend on the extent of the thinning and the commitment that you’ll give on the product.

      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use other
      herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only NOVUHAIR®Herbal Shampoo
      will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

  56. Just started using novuhair…about a week now…bcoz of my dry scalp and dandruff ….which causes my hairfall…is it normal after applying and massaging my scalp … there are still falling hair?…thanks..

    1. Hello Len:) Thanks for the inquiry. You may be executing the wrong way to massage your scalp. Remember, when our hair is wet, the hair gets brittle and easily gets pulled off. Here’s a good technique to massage your scalp. Spray the lotion on the area and using your finger tips. apply a gentle pressure on the area where the lotion was applied and apply circular motions without lifting your finger tips. Then slowly move to another area. This will help avoid entangling the hair strands. Hair fall is a normal thing. 50-100 strands falling per day is still normal. However more than that is considered excessive. Novuhair can address this. In as early as 2 weeks, 50% of the shedding must have been addressed. Continuous use for 4-6 weeks will help normalize your hair shedding.

  57. Hello James:) Thanks for the inquiry. I recommend that you use the topical scalp lotion then use a herbal shampoo. If your budget allows, then might as well use Novuhair lotion+herbal shampoo (2-in-1 combi pack) The 3-in-1 contains the herbal conditioner. If you have a long hair, then feel free to use the 3-in-1. Which ever pack you choose, just make sure that you use the topical scalp lotion everyday, 2 times a day, massage for 5-10 minutes.

    1. Hello Shara:) Thanks for the inquiry. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City) and at JCenter Mall in Cebu.

      NOVUHAIR® NATURE’S ANSWER TO HAIR LOSS is now available in a “3-in-1” pack. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 contains one bottle each of Herbal Shampoo, Topical Scalp Lotion and Herbal Conditioner to provide the user the optimum benefits of NOVUHAIR® natural hair loss solution. When used in combination, one should experience an even better result than used individually. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion, NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo and NOVUHAIR® Herbal Conditioner contain herbal components which are widely known for their benefits on scalp and hair. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 is now available at Mercury Drug and Watsons, priced at P4,980.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

  58. Hi po, Admin i’ve been using novuhair po for almost 2 weeks. ask ko lang po na pwede ba i-direct spray ko yung novuhair sa scalp? sa may affected area?

    1. Hello Jom:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, by all means. It’s really better if you spray it directly. Do this twice a day and massage for 5-10 minutes. It would be better if you spray on your entire scalp so the whole area becomes healthier:)

  59. Pwde prin po bang mgparebond aft using novuhair?…kc po mdyo wavy ang hair ko.need k plgi mgprebond yearly.tnx

    1. Hello Shiela:) Thanks for the inquiry. Although we don’t recommend hair rebonding as a means to wellness. It is in fact a temporary means to attain temporary beauty but in the long run will damage your hair. Anyway, if you really need it, then go ahead with your rebond but stop using Novuhair temporarily. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

  60. while using these product..can we still have hair rebonding and hair coloring?because my hair is kingky so i need hair rebond every 3-6 months and also i love to color my hair. is it okay?

    1. Hello Michael:) Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

    1. Hello PJ:) Thanks for the inquiry. Are you using Novuhair because you are suffering from excessive hair loss or hair thinning? If that’s the case, you’ll know for sure that using wax on your hair will probably cause more hair fall escpecially when applying the wax and when removing the wax during shower. I highly recommend that you use water-based hairstyling gels instead, natural and safer.

  61. hello po…ask q lang po sana kong ano po ang pwede sa edad 4yrs.old kasi po ang anak q naglalags po ang buhok sabi po nila nabacteria daw po…matagal po b gumaling yon at tumubo at ano po b ang dapat sa kanya na gamot salamat po..

    1. Hello Jhona:) Thanks for the inquiry. Unfortunately, Novuhair is indicated for 12 years old and above only. I recommend that you bring your child for check-up to a pediatrician or better yet to a dermatologist so that the right anti-bacterial may be prescribed. Your child is still young and may not be too late for hair to regrow again.

  62. I have a novuhair both shampoo and lotion..i just want to ask..since the lotion I have is not the lotion I was expecting for to be…how do I apply it? should I put some on my palm and rub it over or spray it directly to my scalp… and how long will takes before I get results? I am suffering from hair thinning because of hair products like wax, gel etc..I am 24 yrs old….

    1. Hello Robert:) Thanks for thefeedback. It’s a common misconception for Filipinos to expect lotion to be sticky and thick but that’s the real case. The lotion form which is liquid is used by hair products in that way the formulation reaches the skin or the scalp.
      Option 1: Daily use. Spray liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the scalp then massage for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Wash your hair using Novuhair Herbal Shampoo then rinse. Towel dry and style as desired using non-alcohol-based hairstyling products.
      Option 2: Leave on. Wash your hair using Novuhair Herbal Shampoo then rinse and towel dry. Spray liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp lotion on the scalp. Massage for at least 5 to 10 minutes then leave on. Style as desired.

  63. ask ko lang pag gumamit po ba ako ng novuhair pwede poh ako mag kulay ng buhok ?? kasi poh madalas poh ako mag kulay ng buhok due sa mga puti kong buhok .. tsaka paano poh mag apply ??? dapat po ba patuyuin muna ung buhok pagkatapos maligo or ok lang poh kahit medyo basa ?? salamat po

    1. Hello Royd:) Thanks for the inquiry. I suggest that you ujse Novuhair now and if you plan to have you hair dyed again, you have to stop using Novuhair for about 1-2 weeks and observe if the salon hair dye will cause any allergies. if it’s good, then resume using Novuhair. Here’s how to use Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion:
      Option 1: Daily use. Spray liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the scalp then massage for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Wash your hair using a herbal Shampoo then rinse. Towel dry and style as desired using non-alcohol-based hairstyling products.
      Option 2: Leave on. Wash your hair using a herbal shampoo then rinse and towel dry. Spray liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp lotion on the scalp. Massage for at least 5 to 10 minutes then leave on. Style as desired.

  64. Hi,mahigit 1month Na po Ako narebond pwedi n po ba Ako gumamit ngnouvou hair?and can I use another brand conditioner and shampoo?? even iam using nouvou hair scalp lotion?? Wala po side effect???

    1. Hello Angel:) Thanks for the inquiry. If there are no side effects on the salon rebond treatment used, then use Novuhair now. You may use any herbal shampoo and any herbal conditioner. It may not have the same optimized effect as compared when using Novuhair 3-in-1 but better than not addressing your hair problem now.

  65. hi.. i would like to ask if its necessary to use both Novuhair shampoo and lotion to achieve good result or could i just use shampoo only? thnk u and godbless..

    1. Hello Frishia:) Thanks for the inquiry. Most important is to use the topical scalp lotion and a herbal shampoo to wash your hair. If your budget allows, buy the 3-in-1 pack which includes the herbal shampoo and the conditioner.

    1. Hello Jaycee:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, it may help improve your condition. Please watch Rated K tonight at 7pm. Abby Asistio who also has the same condition is an inspiring one. She’s using Novuhair.

    1. Hello Rainelda 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 1 month if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

    1. Hello Lady M. 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 contains one bottle each of Herbal Shampoo, Topical Scalp Lotion and Herbal Conditioner to provide the user the optimum benefits of NOVUHAIR® natural hair loss solution. When used in combination, one should experience an even better result than used individually.

      To achieve maximum benefits, you may use Novuhair 2-in-1 Combination pack (Topical scalp lotion and herbal shampoo). However, if you’re on a tight budget, Novuhair topical scalp lotion is available individually just make sure that you use a plain herbal shampoo. Novuhair can help address excessive hair shedding and with continuous use, may help stimulation of hair growth. Novuhair is the safe natural alternative in arresting hair loss.

      Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City), JCenter Mall in Cebu and The Landmark (Makati & TriNoma Quezon City).

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

    1. Hello Joem 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

      With consistent daily use of at least two times a day for 4-6 weeks, you can look forward to the benefits of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion in preventing hair loss, retarding further hair thinning and improving the overall cosmetic properties of your hair.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

  66. nag hahairfall ako kasi nasira buhok ko kakapa rebond and hair coloring. sa mismong roots sya nalalagas. effective ba to kung gagamit ako khit ung hair ko sa chemicals nasira. thank you

    1. Hello Mhaine 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

      With consistent daily use of at least two times a day for 4-6 weeks, you can look forward to the benefits of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion in preventing hair loss, retarding further hair thinning and improving the overall cosmetic properties of your hair.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

  67. hello po isa din po ako sa may problemang numinipis at lumalagas ang buhok ko ang kaso po 17 years old palang po ako at maaari po bang sa edad ko ang gumamit na ng Novuhair?

    1. Hello Ariel. Thanks for the inquiry.Novuhair is indicated for ages 12 years old and above. Novuhair topical scalp lotion contains natural ingredients that will help nourish and improve the overall cosmetic conditions of the hair.

  68. hello po ulit, pahabol ko po na tanong kapag once nakita ko na ang best results puwede ko na po stop ang paggamit ng Novuhair? thank you po ulit.

    1. Hello Nica 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. After achieving the desired results, you may pause for two (2) months then start another treatment if needed for the next 2-8 months.

    1. Hello Jeprox 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone or enzyme that negatively affects the hair follicles of those with hereditary hair loss, starting at puberty stage. The DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize and eventually produce thinner hair. NOVUHAIR® does not have any direct effect on DHT but may help continuously nourish the hair follicles thus prevent further thinning.

      Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City), JCenter Mall in Cebu and The Landmark (Makati & TriNoma Quezon City).

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

  69. good afternoon.I’m planning to use Novuhair because of my receding forehead. May posibilidad ba tumubo ulit ang hair sa balding area?

    1. Hello Ren 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. My answer is both yes and no, depending on the present condition of your hair. If you find the receding part or any part for that matter, to be shiny and no visible thin hairs, it’s impossible to stimulate hair growth. The best solution is to act now and start saving the thin hairs that are still growing. If your hair follicles are undernourished and frequently exposed to harmful chemicals, etc. this leads to shrinkage therefore producing thinner hair. What’s alarming is that if you don’t nourish your hair follicles now, the next batch of hair that will grow will become thinner until the worse scenario… completely bald.

      You may able to determine this with certainty buy availing our Free Hair and Scalp analysis wherein our trained promodizers will assist you in getting a closer look at the present condition of your hair using our hair and scalp analyzer.

      Kindly visit our website and check the NEWS & EVENTS section for our free hair and scalp analysis. Standard schedule time is from 1pm to 5 pm.

  70. Hi how are you? is it safe to use Novuhair after hair colored..I colored my hair and cellophane in the salon 1 week from now…but I have thin hair can I use Novuhair..thank u

    1. Hello Marivic 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion. Have a blessed 2014.

  71. I use Novuhair mag 1 month na sya sa feb.8 pro napapansin ko mas dumadami yung lagas ng hair ko. kapag naliligo ako mga 50pcs na ng hair ko nalalagas. bat po kayo ganon? tama naman pag gamit ko sa Novuhair hindi ko na binabanlawan.

    1. Hello Mhaine 🙂 Thank you for the feedback. We normally shed about 50-100 strands of hair per day, beyond 100 is considered excessive Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hairloss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth noticeable in as early as 4 months. Some even notice the result earlier while some may take more time.

      I recommend that you gently massage your scalp during bath to avoid too much friction on your hair. You may also consider this simple massage technique in your scalp after applying the lotion, I recommend that as soon as you have applied the lotion on the affected area, use your finger tips to press the area, apply circular motions without lifting four finger tips. Use this technique on the other areas as well. This will help avoid getting your hair strands get entangled and pulled while massaging your hair. Please let me know if this will help.

      Have you tried our FREE hair and scalp analysis conducted monthly in selected major drugstore chains? This free clinic activity was designed to help you monitor the progress of your treatment because the equipment can magnify the present condition of the hair and scalp and objectively see the difference by capturing digital shots of the affected areas. In that way, you can monitor the progress. Kindly visit our website and check the NEWS & EVENTS section for our free hair and scalp analysis. Standard schedule time is from 1pm to 5 pm. Have great week ahead.

  72. I am 23y/o and i started to notice the thinning of my hair since 21. my dad has thin hair na but it stopped and grew some hair back when he used XXX shampoo (not so sure). but unfortunately, it stopped na to be on the drugstores. back to me, i was negligent before that it wont happen to me but recently i do feel that middle part of my head is thinning and i cant stop worrying which worsens the prob. ano po dapat kong bilin and is it available here in Isabela province – Watsons and Mercury?

    1. Hello Rain 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. There are several factors that affect early balding. This is so common among men. Stress may be one of the factors. Lifestyle, food habits and other factors may be affecting the present condition of your hair.

      DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone or enzyme that negatively affects the hair follicles of those with hereditary hair loss, starting at puberty stage. The DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize and eventually produce thinner hair. NOVUHAIR® does not have any direct effect on DHT but may help continuously nourish the hair follicles thus prevent further thinning.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Novuhair 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575. Have a great week ahead.

  73. I am working in Dubai, and i am very interested to buy this Novuhair could you please give me any information of supplier here in Dubai or Abu Dhabi?

    1. Hello Jerry 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. We are currently working on exporting the product. However, NOVUHAIR® can also be purchased online through our service partner:

      Steps to order online:
      1. Visit their site at
      2. Click the word BRANDS on the homepage.
      3. You’ll be directed to a new page then simply type the word Novuhair on the SEARCH bar.
      4. You will be directed to a new page where you can order Novuhair online.
      5. Before you can order online, just register in the site for FREE to get access in the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where you want the product to be delivered.
      6. A quotation or estimate on the shipping cost included in the payment will be provided to you. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Delivery to Dubai normally takes about 5-7 working days.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hello Ken 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Novuhair 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980.

      NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 contains one bottle each of Topical Scalp Lotion, Herbal Shampoo and Herbal Conditioner priced at Php4,980.

      Novuhair is available in all Mercury Drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug and The Landmark (Makati & TriNoma Quezon City).

      NOVUHAIR® NATURE’S ANSWER TO HAIR LOSS is now available in a “2-in-1 plus ONE” pack contains 1 Scalp Lotion + 2 Herbal Shampoo now available at Mercury Drug branches priced at Php4,980.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion is a combination of natural herbs, essential oils and co-factor nutrients which are proven and used for centuries to cure hair problems.

      NOVUHAIR® penetrates deep to rejuvenate, nourish and maintain moisture in the scalp and hair. By improving the blood circulation in the scalp, NOVUHAIR® stimulates hair growth and prevents further hair fall. NOVUHAIR® also improves the overall appearance of the hair.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

      Have a great week ahead.

  74. Hi! Recently, my office mates noticed the thinning of my hair and I am so shy and not comfortable to tease of getting bald. I’m 23 years old, at my age, I think its too unusual to experience it. Because of that, I’m starting to loose my confidence in interacting to people and will divert the conversation to my hair. My friend recommend me to use Novuhair, just to give it a try and how would it effect. I’m using wax or gel to style up my hair everyday when I go to work. Is it possible that the cause of my thinning hair is too much use of wax or gel? If I buy the product, can I still use those for hair styling? What guarantee should I get if I use Novuhair?

    1. Hello EIEM 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. If your case is hereditary? By
      using Novuhair, you’re continuously nourishing your scalp, providing
      natural ingredients that may help nourish your hair follicles. The DHT
      (Dihydrotestosterone) in your hair follicles are continuously exerting
      negative effects, that is miniaturizing or shrinking the hair follicles,
      therefore producing thinner strands. This will continue to happen,
      therefore the need for a continuous nutrition. It really takes time to
      achieve this, more so that the progress is not visible to the eyes.

      We recommend that you visit our FREE hair and scalp analysis wherein our
      trained promodizers will assist you in getting a closer look at the present
      condition of your hair using our hair and scalp analyzer, from the initial
      assessment we may able to determine if the product fits your need and if it
      may still deliver the necessary remedies that your hair and scalp needs.

      Kindly visit our website and check the NEWS &
      EVENTS section for our free hair and scalp analysis. Standard time is from
      1pm to 5 pm.

      Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, regular sleep, healthy
      lifestyle… all of which contribute in general to the health condition of
      our hair.

      When using NOVUHAIR(R) Topical Scalp Lotion, it is advised to avoid using
      hair spray, gel, wax, or mousse.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or
      follow us on twitter @NovuhairNatural. You may also contact our hotlines
      from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

      Have a great week ahead.

  75. Hi.. I’m turning 18 yrs. old this yr., Tanong ko lang po sana if Effective pa din po ung Novuhair kahit na ung LAHI namen ay may hair loss problem? Because I am planning to buy the product, kasi po nararamdaman ko na po ung pagnipis ng buhok ko, Thanks for the response 🙂

    1. Hello Jv 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. If your case is hereditary? By
      using Novuhair, you’re continuously nourishing your scalp, providing
      natural ingredients that may help nourish your hair follicles. The DHT
      (Dihydrotestosterone) in your hair follicles are continuously exerting
      negative effects, that is miniaturizing or shrinking the hair follicles,
      therefore producing thinner strands. This will continue to happen,
      therefore the need for a continuous nutrition. It really takes time to
      achieve this, more so that the progress is not visible to the eyes.

      We recommend that you visit our FREE hair and scalp analysis wherein our
      trained promodizers will assist you in getting a closer look at the present
      condition of your hair using our hair and scalp analyzer, from the initial
      assessment we may able to determine if the product fits your need and if it
      may still deliver the necessary remedies that your hair and scalp needs.

      Kindly visit our website and check the NEWS &
      EVENTS section for our free hair and scalp analysis. Standard time is from
      1pm to 5 pm.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or
      follow us on twitter @NovuhairNatural. You may also contact our hotlines
      from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

      Have a great weekend.

  76. Good Day po… Pansin ko lang po sa buhok ko is unti na syang nabawasan sa magkabilang ulo ko, gusto ko sana bumili ng product nyu kaso baka naman po pwedeng isa lang sa mga ganyan.. Totally makapal pa din ang buhok ko pero sa kabilaan ulo is nawala na po sya.. Siguro kakagamit ko din ng mga chemical sa buhok ko like wax at etc.. Gusto ko sana bumalik ung dati kong buhok para hindi po nakakailang at mahirap po kasi mag-ayos.
    thanks po sa sasagot nito 🙂

    1. Hello Mariel 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.If your condition is hereditary,
      DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone or enzyme that negatively
      affects the hair follicles of those with hereditary hair loss,
      starting at puberty stage. The DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) in your hair
      follicles are continuously exerting negative effects, that is
      miniaturizing or shrinking the hair follicles, therefore producing
      thinner strands. This will continue to happen, therefore the need for
      a continuous nutrition. It really takes time to achieve this, more so
      that the progress is not visible to the eyes. NOVUHAIR® does not have
      any direct effect on DHT but may help continuously nourish the hair

      Our hair and scalp analysis expert shared with us that the hair
      follicles must still be open or at least 1 strand of hair is growing
      to be able for Novuhair to improve the hair. If the hair follicle is
      closed, or shiny/smooth, then it would be impossible for the product
      to penetrate the scalp.

      We recommend that you visit our FREE hair and scalp analysis wherein
      ourtrained promodizers will assist you in getting a closer look at the
      present condition of your hair using our hair and scalp analyzer, from
      the initial assessment we may able to determine if the product fits
      your need and if it may still deliver the necessary remedies that your
      hair and scalp needs.

      Kindly visit our website and check our free
      hair and scalp analysis schedules Standard time
      is from 1pm to 5 pm.

      At the moment, you may buy Novuhair topical scalp lotion and use a
      herbal shampoo with another brand. The 200ml bottle may last up to 2-3
      months. By that time, I think you’ll be able to save enough for your
      next bottle. At least you’re able to immediately address the alarming
      signs of your hair loss.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at
      or follow us on twitter @NovuhairNatural. You may also contact our
      hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and

      Have a great week ahead

  77. hi good day .. if stress po ang cause ng pag nipis ng buhok ko , kaya pa po ba itong matubuan ulit ng bagong buhok? please i need an immediate response po kasi ayaw ko pong mauwi sa pag kakalbo . parati po kasi akong puyat dahil sa skwela at pressure masyado sa grades

    1. Hello Jeo 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion is highly recommended for both men and women, 12 years old and above who experience excessive hair loss, thinning and bald patches. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion aids those who want to regain hair luster and vibrancy and stimulate new hair growth.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion’s 19 natural ingredients and essential oils increase the nutrition and blood circulation of the scalp, aid in the activation of hair follicles’ dermal papilla and promote stimulation of hair growth, especially when used as directed. A clinical study and numerous testimonials have proven NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion’s life-enhancing benefits of substantially reducing hair loss, while inducing new hair growth. In fact, 100% clinical trial subjects demonstrated complete cessation of hair loss, reduced hair shedding and reduced size of bald patches. Almost all clinical participants experienced dramatic results by the 120th day of usage.

      For further inquiries, you may contact our hotline numbers at 413.6570 and 0922.8830575, from 8:30am-5:50pm, Monday to Friday, or visit Novuhair website, follow us on our Twitter @NovuhairNatural and Instagram @NovuhairOfficial.

      Thank you and have a great day.

  78. Hello, Question lang. What will happen if I stop using the product after I have achieved the desired result? I have read that for some people they claim that they went back to being bald/thinning hair, and some even claim that it got even worse than before they tried using novuhair. Is this true?

    1. Janine De Guzman

      Hello Rico 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

      After achieving your desired results, you may pause for two (2) months then start another treatment should the noticeable warning signs occur. If your case is hereditary, once you have achieved the results, you may apply the lotion once a day for maintenance.

      Have a great day ahead!

  79. Christian Gealon

    Hi, im currently using novuhair and I notice my hair is falling even faster than Before, even just holding my head there is some hair falling, is this normal?. Is it true that nuvohair will remove my old hair and replace with new ones?. Please

    1. Janine De Guzman

      Hello Christian Gealon 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

      It is normal to shed about 50 to 100 strands each day as part of your hair’s growth cycle. Beyond this number is alarming and may be considered abnormal. Ignoring this sign may eventually lead to balding. NOVUHAIR® is effective in treating hair loss. NOVUHAIR® is a Topical Scalp Lotion combining highly potent standardized herbs with essential oils and co-factor nutrients, especially chosen for their hair growing properties. NOVUHAIR® penetrates to rejuvenate the hair follicles, provides optimum nutrition to help combat hair loss and/or thinning of hair, improves blood circulation to the scalp and thus contributes to the stimulation of hair growth.

      Have a great day ahead!

  80. Hello. I’m currently using an organic pomade na waterbased, all natural. Okay lang po ba iapply yun if I’m using your product?

    1. Hi Gesel:) Thanks for the inquiry.
      As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities.

      This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe.

      However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

      Thank you and have a great day.

  81. My hair actually thin, but every time na after ko maligo then i’ll comb my hair, nagkakaroon ng hairfall (mild) pero nakakabahala kase manipis na nga buhok ko lalo pang ninipis. I just wanna ask if my thin hair can thicken my hair if i use novuhair. Thankyou

    1. Hi Jane:) Thanks for the inquiry. It is normal to shed about 50 to 100 strands each day as part of your hair’s growth cycle. Beyond this number is alarming and may be considered abnormal. Ignoring this sign may eventually lead to balding.

      Maintaining good overall hygiene is the first step towards overall healthy hair. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp lotion is a safe, effective and proven natural nourishment for your hair and scalp that helps stop ongoing hair fall and stimulate hair growth.

      Have a great day!

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