ENJOY BEAUTIFUL HAIR AT ANY AGE: Tips on Keeping Hair Luscious and Healthy in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and Beyond

For many women, hair is one of the definitive aspects of personal style and appearance. It is not called the crowning glory for nothing. But just like our skin and body, our ha ir also changes as we age, ranging from subtle difference in texture, luster, and manageability to more serious concerns like hair loss.

Hair is generally a strong indicator of one’s overall health. But don’t fret, there are ways to maintain our hair’s “youthfulness” regardless of our age. Below are a few tips on keeping your locks healthy and luscious throughout the years.

In your 20s
Our locks are supposedly at its healthiest in our 20s. However, fad diets and improper nourishment may contribute to lackluster tresses. Our hair also needs vitamins and minerals to grow strong and healthy and we get these from the food we eat. Eating a balanced diet is therefore necessary to ensure our hair gets the proper nutrients it needs.

Beautiful hair at every age - pinterest comIn your 30s
Our 30s are marked largely by hormonal changes brought about by life-changing events such as pregnancy. During pregnancy, hair growth hormones are working overtime resulting in thicker and faster-growing hair. But after delivery, hair shedding usually occurs. Although in most women, hair eventually grows back normally, some women may find out that the hair loss is more permanent.

Lessen the use of styling products such as gels, mousse, sprays, and the like to avoid further weighing down the hair. Also check if the iron level in your body is sufficient as iron deficiency usually triggers hair thinning. Lastly, learn to de-stress and relax amidst demands from your career and family life.

In your 40s and beyondBeautiful hair at every age - refinery29 com
Gray hair normally starts to become more prevalent in our 40s resulting in the popularity of hair dyeing among middle-aged women. Chemicals used in hair dyes may damage and harm the hair strands especially if done frequently. The best option for women who want to cover up their gray hairs is to dye their hair within three shades of their natural hair color. More than that, the hair is at a greater risk of damage since higher volumes of peroxide are required.

It is also advisable to amp up your vitamins and minerals intake at this age due to fluctuating levels of hormones prior to menopause. Load up on Vitamins B, C, D, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and folic acid to counter the effects of hormonal changes like thinning hair.

Whatever age you are at, it also helps to establish a disciplined hair care regimen, which includes avoiding prolonged exposure under direct sunlight or heat from styling products, good hygiene, and using gentle, and ideally, all-natural products that do not damage the hair like Novuhair, nature’s answer to hair loss.




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