Photo by Vlad Che?an from Pexels

Just as the nation is gearing towards easing up on quarantine, everyone is anxious to gain back the liberty to exercise their rights to self-discipline in dealing with the crisis.

Freedom is sacred to most people and the feeling of independence is something we all look forward to. With this in mind, wouldn’t it be nice to break free from the perils of hair loss?

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL) also known as Androgenetic Alopecia is an affliction that has plagued men since time immemorial. MPHL cases in the Philippines affect 50% of Filipino men around the age 40 and fast gaining taboo.

Social perceptions and psychosocial attributes are the leading factors on how men deal with MPHL. In a society where appearance plays an important role in determining self-image, getting bald is a top concern for most men and usually poses a challenge.

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Having to deal with hair loss leads to a certain degree of insecurity and reduced self-worth stemming from the fact that society has perceived full head of hair as normal and losing much a disadvantage. Not many men will embrace hair loss gracefully and innately most will look for hair loss remedies to address this medical condition.

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Nowadays, natural hair loss treatments have gained popularity among Filipino men considered as metrosexual (men who are especially meticulous about their grooming and appearance). More men are becoming bold and particular in choosing personal care products.

Luckily, innovative technology and the world-wide web offer a myriad of information and educate on the harmful effects of chemical-based products, hence the call for natural and sustainable products for baldness cure.

Say no to short cuts.

Amidst claims from magic pills and surgical solutions to deal with hair loss prevention and hair loss treatment, product safety and effectiveness remain to be the key priorities in addressing hair loss.

NOVUHAIR®, nature’s answer to hair loss, offers multiple benefits derived from 19 natural ingredients that work in synergy. Choose natural to achieve best hair growth.

NOVUHAIR® is clinically proven as a safe hair treatment for men and an effective hair loss solution.

Experience freedom from hair loss. You deserve more.


Get started with NOVUHAIR®

Click to order online.







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