Hair & Scalp Care Tips

Tip 1

Avoid subjecting your hair to excessive chemical treatment such as too much coloring, bleaching, straightening or perming as these can cause damage that may make hair break off or fall out temporarily. Consult a specialist immediately should you experience any abnormal hair fall.

Tip 2

Observe proper diet and nutrition as the body needs adequate protein, vitamins and minerals to sustain hair growth. Hair loss is sometimes linked to being anorexic or being afflicted with bulimia, an eating disorder characterized by the restraint of food intake for a period of time.

Tip 3

Androgenetic Alopecia accounts for 95% of all hair loss. It can affect both men and women although men experience a much greater degree of loss. In women, Androgenetic Alopecia appears as diffuse hair loss occurring over most of the scalp. In men however the pattern of loss usually starts with a receding hairline which then advances to thin the top of the head. For excessive hair loss, consult a specialist.

Tip 4

Traction Alopecia is usually caused by continuous and excessive pulling on the hair due to various types of hairstyling. Ponytails, buns, braiding and cornrows often result in a continuous pulling on the hair. This traction gradually results in hair loss. If this type of traction and hair loss continues for an excessively long period of time then the hair loss may become permanent. For excessive hair loss, consult a specialist.


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129 thoughts on “Hair & Scalp Care Tips”

  1. Good pm! i am suffering from excessive hair loss. do you have free consultation with your expert hair specialists here in quezon city. I have tried before …… and …… products and tried applying the extract of natural aloe vera for more than one month but it didn’t work. I want to try your product but i want to have it checked first by a hair specialist. thank you!

        1. Janine De Guzman

          Hello Danny Dale 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

          With consistent twice a day use, coupled with good personal hygiene and a conscious effort to embrace wellness, in 4 months, you can look forward to the benefits of the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion in preventing excessive hair loss, retard hair thinning, promote hair growth and improve the overall cosmetic properties of your hair. The result may vary from one person to another depending on your amount of commitment, frequency of usage and how much you embrace wellness as a lifestyle.

          Have a great day ahead!

      1. Hello Diane 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, its safe to use other herbal shampoo and conditioner, though, we can’t guarantee that you will get the same results as compared to using our Novuhair Herbal Shampoo and conditioner that’s specifically designed to compliment the effects of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion. What’s important is you’ll be able to immediately address the alarming signs of your hair loss. Have a great weekend ahead:)

          1. Janine De Guzman

            Hello fidel 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

            When using NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion, we advise that you use water-based hair care products and avoid using alcohol-based hair care products such as hair spray, gel, wax, or mousse. We highly recommend that you use a herbal-based shampoo like NOVUHAIR® Herbal Shampoo, to cleanse and prepare your scalp prior to the application of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion and NOVUHAIR® Herbal Conditioner to give your hair a shinier, softer and supple look.

            Have a great day ahead!

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  3. Hello, Can anyone help me? I don’t use to have hairfall when I was a child, but later then at my teenage year I start to have hairfall, most excessive at the top. Im thinking maybe its my hair styling wax, but I can’t seize the day without styling my hair. Can u help cure my hairfall.

    1. Hello Homer:) Your question made me smile… I understand what you’re going through but this doesn’t mean that I totally recommend that you continue what you have been doing. The solution to your problem requires some changes and continuously using your hairstyling wax will not help solve the problem. I am even wondering that you have addressed this problem to us when your main suspect for this unpleasant experience is your hairstyling wax? Have you addressed the company marketing this product? Anyways, let me shed light on this. You have recognized that you’re experiencing excessive hair fall. That’s very good. The next step is to take action on this matter. Start using Novuhair now and solve this problem. You don’t need to wax your hair when using Novuhair or else you’ll be just wasting your time, effort and investment. The next move is yours:)

  4. please help me, i’m a girl and 17 years old. i used to have a long silky and fine hair. but when i entered college, my hair starts to fall and became dry. i think it’s because of stress and unhealthy lifestyle. i really want to buy that novuhair but i don’t have enough money. Dou you know any alternative?

    1. Hello Athena:) Thanks for entrusting to me your hair concern. I clearly understand where you are coming from. I recommend that you start saving now and achieve enough soon. We are working on another clinical study and maybe what I can do is to recommend you for the study so you can have both the monitoring, consultation and free doses of the product. However this may not be so soon. Start saving today and address the issue as early as now. Email to me your contact number so I can inform you as soon as we are ready. have a great day ahead!

  5. Princess Navarro

    Hi! since i get pregnant, my hair keeps on falling everytime i wash my hair. is your product safe for a pregnant woman and can i continue to use your product until after giving birth and having breastfeeding to my newborn baby?

    1. Hello Princess:) Thanks for entrusting to us your inquiry. It’s very common for women to experience excessive hair loss after giving birth. Your hair will return to its normal condition provided you keep on monitoring a balanced diet. Choose the nutritional value of the food that we take in. Malunggay will help. However, using Novuhair after pregnancy is not highly recommended since I would assume that you might be breastfeeding now. Again, Novuhair is effective and safe however, we don’t have any clinical studies that will back up the safety for pregnant and breastfeeding because no mother will ever volunteer to risk the safety of her child and her self. Spend this moment to eat well, avoid junk foods, exercise regularly and have a healthy lifestyle. As soon as you have stopped breastfeeding, you’ll have the full time to use Novuhair to regain the luster and volume of your hair. If you have some time to spare, visit your dermatologist for professional help and guidance. Have a great week ahead:)

  6. Hi. Good day! I’m Kim, i’m suffering from dandruff and also hairfall and my hair becomes dry.I don’t know how to cure this. I already tried everything, hairspa, hot oil, anti-dandruff shampoos and also the home remedies but it didn’t work. Can you help me?

    1. Hello Kim. Thanks for the inquiry and sharing with me your present hair concern. Novuhair is a topical scalp lotion, combining herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients that have been proven for centuries to help hair problems particularly hair loss. It’s a natural alternative and a long-term process. Based on our clinical findings, non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth can be achieved as early as 4 months. And the treatment doesn’t stop there. You have to continue another treatment to maintain the newly grown hair. It’s not an easy task but a safer way to regrow hair instead of resorting to surgery in the future. The result that can be achieved will depend on the amount of commitment that the user will give to the treatment. Novuhair is used twice a day.

      For more info about the product, check PRODUCT INFORMATION section and see how the product is used. A certain degree of change in lifestyle will be required like refraining from using other hair treatment high in chemicals like gels and other shampoos. We have formulated a herbal shampoo designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. The 5 to 10 minutes massage is very important as well. You can also check our clinical findings on the efficacy and safety of Novuhair at the HAIR & SCALP CARE TIPS section.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug or with some selected salon partners like Fanny Serrano, Tony & Jackey and others.

      Should you have other concerns, just drop by again. Have a great day ahead!

      1. Gudpm. I was just wandering if you could help me with my hair problem. I am experiencing hair fall this past few days and it was not just simply those hair fall that you see on television on those hair products commercial.

        Hmm when I am shampooing my hair. There are many as in many strands that are falling, maybe 20+ strands per bath. And when i comb my hair with my hands there this few strands that are falling. I was shocked because its the first time that it happened.

        Please help me.

          1. Hello again Lorie:) You’re still very young and I commend that as early as now, you have recognized this concern. Don’t delay and act now. Read up on other articles pertaining to excessive hair loss. But the best solution now is to visit your dermatologist and avoid experimenting to avoid further damage. Ask your doctor about Novuhair:)

        1. Hello Lorie:) Thanks for entrusting to me your inquiry. I hope you don’t if I ask how old you are right now. Generally, 50 to 100 strands of hair fall per day is considered normal. Do you think it’s more than 100 strands per day? If this is so, you are experiencing excessive hair shedding. You might want to consider changing the shampoo that you’re using right now. Check the label and see if it’s packed with chemicals that irritate your hair. I don’t recommend that you use shampoos that have combined the conditioner. If you don’t wash your hair really well, the residues may sometimes be the source of irritation that may contribute to flaking or dandruff. I recommend that you visit your dermatology to check the actual condition of your hair. Why not go natural this time and try what Novuhair can do for your hair concern. Check on the PRODUCT INFORMATION section of our website at and see the active natural ingredients that will help solve your problem. Don’t worry too much because stress is another factor that may contribute to this. There’s still hope.

  7. Hi im just curious, may we know more why novuhair is not recommended for pregnant women? If it is all herbal, why cant pregnant women use it? Also, is there any correlation between novuhair and sexual/erectile dysfunction? I’ve come across lots of websites already relating erectile dysfunction with XXXXXXXXXX.

    Thank you!

    1. Hello fratga? Novuhair is not recommended for pregnant women because there are no clinical studies conducted yet to backup this claim, although the active components of Novuhair are all natural. With regards sexual erectile dysfunction, Novuhair does not produce these adverse effects. There’s an oral preparation for hair loss that’s effective but leads to this adverse effect but not Novuhair. Novuahir is a topical scalp lotion preparation that’s applied directly into the scalp and hair, effective and safe, the natural way?

  8. Hi! Good morning. I’m afraid I have an Androgenic Alopecia but I haven’t sought for a medical consultation. I’m using Novuhair for 2 months and noticed a little improvement. I’m thinking if I’m still going to continue Novuhair or seek for medical advice? I hope your free consultation could reach us here in Pangasinan. Thank you very much.

    1. Hello Chloe:) Continue using Novuhair since the results have been noticeable. Results achieved really vary from one hair to another, depending on the current condition of the hair prior to use. That’s why we conduct free hair and scalp analysis in Metro Manila and Cebu. Unfortunately, we haven’t really had any schedule down North Luzon. I will also recommend that you seek a dermatologist’s consultation there in Pangasinan to really diagnose your hair concern and be advised on the proper treatment.

  9. Hi im just curious, may we know more why novuhair is not recommended for pregnant women? If it is all herbal, why cant pregnant women use it?

    Also, is there any correlation between novuhair and sexual/erectile dysfunction?

    I’ve come across lots of websites already relating erectile dysfunction with topical XXXXXXXX.

    The reason i asked is because i’ve had a bad experience with XXXXXXXXX. And i know that it increases bloodflow in the scalp.

    I wonder if novuhair might have the same effect?

    Thank you!

    1. Hello Fray:) Novuhair is not recommended for pregnant women or lactating women, although it’s natural, simply because we don’t have any clinical studies relating to this. Pregnant women usually experience excessive hair loss after giving birth which comes back to normal after a while. Novuhair is not correlated to any side effects such sexual erectile dysfunction unlike another oral brand that I am familiar with. Your unfavorable experience with the previous chemical-based brand that you’ve used is very unfortunate. Novuhair’s active ingredients are all natural and I can assure you of its safety and efficacy. I also recommend that you use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo after every bath, twice a day to achieve maximum results.

    1. Hello janes:) I think the most practical way is to cut those split ends… trim, trim, trim Your hairstylist can easily manage that. For your assignment, checkout Novuhair at and see what the components of this product can do to help you improve the overall cosmetic properties of your hair. And by the way, Novuhair contains Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Panalo ka na dun… what more if you combine 13 herbal ingredients? Novuhair is not just people who have hair loss problems. It’s also for people like us who want to maintain our healthy hair and prevent the shortening of the hair growth cycle.

  10. Olyne Laforteza

    Hi. i just want to ask if it would be okay to use XXXXXXXXXXXXXX with Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion? Thanks!

    1. Hello Olyne:) Although I would highly recommend Novuhair Herbal Shampoo to compliment the effects of the topical lotion, just verify the ingredients of the brand you’re referring and make sure it is certified free from harmful chemicals. I can’t guarantee that the results will be the same. I leave the option to you.

    1. Hello Olyne:) Thanks for the inquiry. I highly recommend that you regularly wash your hair using a herbal shampoo or better, Novuhair Herbal shampoo before applying the topical lotion. We need to wash the hair especially at night in order to remove the excess oil and dirt that might have accumulated during the day, which in turn might irritate the scalp and damage the hair. But there are cases wherein we really feel tired at the end of the day and can’t afford to wash our hair. To remedy this, you may use a piece of wet cotton ball and gently wipe the areas where you intend to apply Novuhair. But this should not become a habit:) Have a great weekend!

  11. I am 11 years old and I have a hair problem, I keep pulling my hair off strand by strand because of stress (according to the doctor we consulted) that results to my baldness or called poknat at tagalog (i have two at my head)Do you think it’s okay to use Novuhair to help regain my hair back? My baldness also happened before and we are thinking the root of my hair must be already pulled off. If I use Novuhair will it regain back at 2 months before school starts? Thank you, Please Reply! 🙂

    1. Hello Aaron:) Your doctor’s diagnosis might be androgenetic alopecia. Regrowth of lost hair in the early stages of male pattern baldness can be fully restored with treatment. However, bald spots where hair follicles have been destroyed cannot be restored with non-invasive treatments and require a hair transplant to achieve coverage. What I can recommend is to start the treatment using Novuhair as early as now while the hair follicles are still receptive. In terms of the instant hair growth, Novuhair may help stimulate the hair growth as early as 4 months based on our clinical study but there’s no guarantee that this may happen soon as you desired to. Your expectations must be realistic and to achieve maximum results, Novuhair is recommended to be used consistently twice a day, and preferably, use a herbal shampoo such as Novuhair Herbal shampoo which is designed specifically to compliment the topical scalp lotion. The combination pack of Novuhair, which includes the lotion is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug or with some selected salon partners like Fanny Serrano, Tony & Jackey and others. Have a wonderful weekend:)

  12. lea cangayda


    i have seen in rated k that novuhair is effective and i want to try it as i am also experiencing hair fall. I think it is more than as the usual 1oostrands a day. And i have notice the thinning of my hair as well as dandruff…

    As I far from the city or in manila to travel to consult a dermatologist and before this will end to alopecia, i am searching for an alternative as early as possible…

    1. Hello Lea:) If you’re looking for a natural alternative solution, then do try Novuhair and see the difference. Again, set realistic expectation. You are right. Your hair loss is due to your genetic make up and not due to anything you have done. Hair loss is primarily genetic and is referred to as “Androgenetic Alopecia” in the medical field. But the fate of your hair can be compensated for with a natural hair loss treatment such as Novuhair. The herbal extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients found in Novuhair helps prevent hair thinning which may eventually lead to early balding even at such a young age. It doesn’t happen overnight. There’s no shortcut to natural beauty, it takes time. What you’re assured of, is the the effectivity and safety of Novuhair because all the active components are natural, proven to help cure hair problems such as hair loss for centuries. The color and the scent of Novuhair is all-natural, no harsh chemicals combined to produce a more favorable quality simply to attract consumers but result to hair damage in the long run. I recommend that you use Novuhair to nourish your thin hair and help stop the progression of your hair loss and restore a healthy hair. Patience is a virtue. What’s important is that you’re doing the right thing for your hair:)

      Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. Novuhair contains natural ingredients that will alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. It controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair.
      The following natural ingredients found in Novuhair will address your dandruff problem:

      Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.

      Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.

      Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

      Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.

      Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.

      Have a great week ahead!

  13. nagamit ko na lahat ang anti-hair fall conditioner…last na itong sa XXXX pero naglalagas pa rin… araw-araw naglalagas, so manipis na buhok ko..try ko gumamit nito pero magkano ba price nito? natatakot na kasi ako eh.

    1. Hello skarlet:) Thanks for sharing with us your journey in search for an anti-hair fall that really works. I highly recommend that you go back to basics and try nature’s answer to hair loss – Novuhair. Novuhair’s active ingredients are all natural that have been proven for centuries to be effective and safe. Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug or with some selected salon partners like Fanny Serrano, Tony & Jackey and others. Have a great week ahead!

  14. i am bald for 7 years, just in my forehead part. but not all, i dont know how do you call it, my question is there are still few hairs that are growing but i usually shave it. is there any chance that my hair will grow by using this product? i’m in my 20’s now.

    1. Hello Lee:) Maybe you are experiencing male pattern hair loss or androgenic alopecia.

      A variety of genetic (and possibly environmental) factors apparently play a role in androgenic alopecia. Although researchers have long studied the factors that may contribute to this condition, many remain unknown. Minimally, pattern hair loss is related to hormones called androgens, particularly dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Androgens are important for normal male sexual development before birth and during puberty. Androgens also have other important functions in both males and females, such as regulating hair growth and sex drive.

      Male pattern baldness is caused by a genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. This hormone causes follicles to shrink or “miniaturize”. In turn, this shortens their lifespan and prevents them from producing hair normally. Courtesy of

      Novuhair may help improve the overall cosmetic properties of your hair, stop the progression of hair loss and with consistent use, may help stimulate hair growth. It’s not an instant solution or a miracle product… It takes patience and constancy in using the product. Although there’s no specific ingredient that addresses DHT, the unique combination of the natural herb extracts, essential oils and co-factor nutrients will help prevent hair loss.

      You’re still very young and the treatment as early as now will help improve your hair’s condition. Check out more about the product at and click PRODUCT INFORMATION.

  15. hi just like to consult i have hair fall prob due to a lot of ironing, re bond ,and hair color my hair now starts to fall after i take a bath or even when i’m brushing my hair i really don’t know what to do then i see your add about novu hair i really want to try your product but it’s really too expensive and you recommend it too combine it with the shampoo for a good result just like to ask if i can only use the novu hair scalp lotion can it treat my hair fall problem without the shampoo?? cause that’s what i can really afford to buy cause i’m only a college student. i hope you company can produce a solution for the people who wants to use your product but cannot afford to buy it i hope you can help me to my problem.

    1. Hello Mhariz:) Thanks for sharing with me your concern. You can use Novuhair topical lotion and use a relatively more affordable herbal shampoo but I can’t guarantee that it will have similar and maximum results. I recommend that you use Tea tree shampoo or gugu shampoo that’s available at Cory Quirino World of Wellness Stores at SM North Edsa, SM Fairview or Virra Mall Greenhills.

  16. plss help me pra ma solve yung problem ko kasi i really tried everything na.. para kumapal ulit yung buhok ko kasi habang tumatagal napapansin ko numinipis na yung hair ko..natatakot ako na one day baka makalbo ako dahil sa everyday na hairfall pwede po ba na novu hair lotion lang ang gamitin ko kakapal po ba ulit yung buhok ko?? yun lang po kasi talaga ang kaya ko ma afford. and pwede po ba na gumamit ng ibang shampoo habang ginagamit yung novu hair lotion may effect pa din po ba kahit ganun ang gawin ko?? plsss help me.

    1. Hello Mharize:) Thanks for sharing your hair concern with me and acknowledging the fact that you hair concern needs immediate attention. Does it run in the family? Have you been using chemical-based shampoos for quite some time? I’ll be very honest with you. Although Novuhair topical scalp lotion can help improve the overall cosmetic properties of your hair and for consistent use may help stimulate hair growth and address hair thinning as well, THIS MAY NOT HAPPEN INSTANTLY. Yes, Novuhair may immediately stop the progression of hair loss as early as 2-6 weeks, however, it may take more time to bring back the normal thickness of your hair. Hair thinning is a result of a long process of DHT (Dihydrotesosterone) effects. DHT causes the hair follicles to miniaturize or shrink therefore producing thinner hair. And this continuous for as long as the condition is not addressed. Although Novuhair has no direct effect on DHT, Novuhair may help nourish and feed the hair follicles and help produce healthier hair. BUt you really have to work hard for it. Make real expectations. What’s important is that you’re able to start the treatment as early as now. You may use other herbal shampoos when using Novuhair but I can’t guarantee that it will have the same results.

  17. gud evening sir,so you mean there is no guarantee for regrowth in male pattern alopecia or genetic alopecia? i am kinda hoepeless of regaining my frontal hair, it started since i was 16. i am 26 now…
    can i regain my hair? for how long sir? thanks a lot po…

    1. Hello ryu:) There’s hope in addressing male pattern alopecia. But the treatment needed will take longer. Just like what you have mentioned, your hair problem started since you were 16 years old. How old are you now by the way? This is to advise you to make realistic expectations. The results won’t happen overnight. Novuhair is a cosmetic product. Using the product may help but this requires continues use until the desired effect is achieved. A balanced diet, regular exercise, healthy lifestyle etc., should also be considered. Novuhair may help improve the overall cosmetic properties of the remaining hair and may stimulate hair growth as early as 4 months, depending on the commitment that you invest on the treatment. For some, it may take longer.

  18. hello po…. i would like to ask kc naglagay na ako ng novuhair so medyo may hair loss pa ako…. mga ilang wks ba ung effectivity nya?

    1. Hello Lyn:) Thanks for the inquiry. When you say that you still experience hair loss, are you referring to excessive hair fall? It’s normal to shed 50-100 strands of hair per day. Consistent use of Novuhair will address this concern. Follow the directions well. Are you using any chemical-based shampoos? I recommend that you also use Novuhair Herbal shampoo to compliment the lotion and achieve the maximum results. To know more about the shampoo, visit and check the Product Profile section.

      Based on our clinical study, the effect will be noticeable in 2-4 weeks. I recommend that you visit one of our free hair and scalp analysis conducted monthly on selected major drugstores. Check the schedules at This activity will help you monitor the progress of your treatment. Keep me posted and let me know about your treatment progress. Have a great week ahead!

  19. hello po, nagkapoknat ako after ng 1st time magparebond ako s isang kilalang salon sa mall, halos nalagas buhok ko at nagkaroon ako ng 2 poknat at tumubo white hair na at hindi na nawala yung poknat. hindi nman pangit hair ko gusto ko lng mging mganda at shiny kya lang eto nangyari…binalik ko s knila sbi nila hindi n daw virgin hair ko.til now herbal shampoo ginagamit ko may konting improvement pero tuloy p rin sa paglagas,2 years na ganito hair ko hindi ako mkapaglugay ksi pumangit at may poknat pa… may free consultation ba kyo? gaano po ktagal bgo tumubo ang hair? mga ilang bottle po magagamit? may conditioner rin po ba? thanks

    1. Hello Shara:) Thank you for sharing with me your hair experience. Novuhair may help prevent hair loss, stimulating hair growth is just a bonus since this will tale more time. But when it comes to the immediate effects, it will help prevent excessive hair fall thus preventing hair loss. We have free hair and scalp analysis but this is not intended for a focussed hair consultation. This activity will help monitor the progress of your hair while on Novuhair treatment. The equipment use will help magnify the hair and the scalp. Based on our clinical study, some patients experienced stimulation of hair growth on the 4th month while some took longer months. No need for a conditioner. Novuhair contains VCO.

  20. Hello. I’m suffering from telogen effluvium and my hair is thinning. Can novuhair reverse its effect? Do I also have to use Novuhair for Maintenance even I just have telogen effluvium? Thanks. 😀

    1. Hello Luis:) Have you consulted any dermatologist lately? Dermatologists may need more procedures to identify what’s causing the patient’s telogen effluvium and be able to address directly what needs attention. Novuhair may help in nourishing and prevent hair loss but it’s very important that the cause be identified. Your dermatologist can recommend complimentary treatment as well.

  21. Hi!
    Dunno if u got my earlier question.
    Anyway been using novuhair almost 3 mos now but still no noticeable results on my bald/thin hair spots. Only results so far is less hairfall, darker hair, and softer.

    Planning to shave my head skinhead or semi “kalbo”, but i still plan on using novuhair, just curious if i can still expect the same results using ur product while my hair is shaved?


    1. Hello Fray:) Congratulations! Novuhair has delivered its promise to stop hair loss! The next step is to stimulate hair growth. This will take more time depending on the condition of your hair prior to using Novuhair. Our clinical study showed that some subjects have experienced stimulation of hair growth on the 4th month while some took longer. If you opt to shave your hair, well that’s less protection for your scalp… but that’s remains to be your right. Continue using the product and religiously massage your scalp 5-10 minutes twice a day. Of course, continue to have a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise… Go wellness!

    1. Hello Faith:) Thanks for your inquiry. We don’t recommend that you use Novuhair immediately after any salon hair treatments like rebond or hair dye. You need to observe a 30-day resting period before using Novuhair. Again, Novuhair is effective and safe. But we are not sure if the hair color or the rebonding chemical is safe. There have been reported cases that some salon hair solutions develop hypersensitivity or allergies in the long run. After rebonding, wait for 30 days then start using Novuhair. This is to make sure that all the harsh chemicals applied to your hair have been totally washed out and by that time, we can tell if no such hypersensitivities may result.

      1. HELLO , I”ve been using novu hair for almost 24 days cause I been experiencing extensive hair loss before until now there is still hair loss but I notice my hair got volume since I used novu hair and it look like buhaghag and im planning to get my hair some treatment like Brazilian . my question is , is it okay to get my hair undergo some treatment even though its just 24 days passed since I used novu hair but of course im still going to use it.

  22. hi! I totally lost my hair when I was in high school, 9 years later hindi pa rin sya tumutubo. I got 3 doctors for skin specialist they gave me different kinds of solutions and then yung medicine pa na tinetake but in the end wala namang nangyari. My uncle po was also lost his hair, one of my doctor said that my case is hereditary daw po. But then they claimed naman na kahit hindi sya icure tutubo din naman daw but it takes time lang. I also tried yung natural which is aloevera then yung coconut juice pero wala pa ring nangyari. I am wearing wig po since high school, i know it can affect yung pagtubo ng aking buhok kase mainit yung wig but then I had no choice kase nag’aaral ako I am just protecting myself to avoid bullying. But now I decided na hindi na magsuot ng wig, so good news is 5 months na akong di nagsusuot ng wig. And one thing I want to share is the problem po kase tutubo sya ng hanggang 4 inches then hindi rin sya magtatagal malalagas din ulit, prang sayang lang ung paghihintay, pagtyatyaga na maglagay ng gamot, yung pera then malalagas din sya ulit. I notice yung mga nalalagas kong buhok wala syang hair follicle, so naisip ko baka kaya sya madaling malagas dahil kulang sya sa nutrients. Now I am using novuhair for a week pa lang and I am thinking na kapag totally tumubo na sya at nasatisfied na ako then titigil na ako gumamit ng novuhair okay lang ba yun? do you think na hindi na sya malalagas ulit? I am just afraid lang kase na baka malagas sya ulit, katulad ng mga solutions na nirecommend sa akin ng mga doctor ko. at first tutubo sya then after how many months malalagas na naman. I don’t want to waste my time and money so what is the best thing to do?

    1. Hello Christell:) Thank you for sharing with me your hair challenges. I was really moved by your story. Tungkol sa katanungan mo kung kailangan ba na itigil na ang paggamit ng Novuhair once na-achieve na ang pagtubo ng buhok, ang masasagot ko lamang ay maari ka namang magpahinga sa paggamit ng 2 months then continue another treatment. Iba’t-iba kase ang pagrespong ng scalp natin. Ilang taon ka na ba ngayon? Naipaliwanag kase sa akin ng isang doctor na malaki ang role ng DHT or Dihydrotestosterone sa hair loss. Ang DHT ay isang hormone na nagdudulot ng negatibong epekto sa pagtubo ng buhok lalung-lalo na habang nasa puberty stage hanggang pagtanda natin. ito ang dahilan kung bakit nagmiminaturize ang hair follicles kayat mga maninipis na buhok ang tumutubo. Ang nakakainis pa dito, panipis ng panipis. Kaya nga if it runs in the family, kailangan talaga ma-address as early as bata pa. Isipin mo na lang na may mga bagay talaga na binigay sa atin si Lord na kailangan nating ma-outgrow. Siguro in your case, mas kailangan siguro ng mas ibayong pag-aalaga sa buhok lalo na’t ikaw na mismo nagsabi, baka nga kulang sa nutrients. Naniniwala ako na may maitutulong ang Novuhair. Hindi man siguro ganap na patubuin lahat ng buhok, dahil mangangailangan ito ng continuous na gamitan dahil natural ang mga sangkap, ngunit malaki ang maitutulong nito upang mapanatili ang mga buhok na natitira or tumubo na para mastop ang hair loss. Subukan mo. Wala namang masama. malay mo, ito na ang kasagutan sa challenges mo. Sa tingin ko naman, kahit siguro yung mga nagbobody building, once huminto sila sa pagpunta sa gym, babalik din sa dati ang katawan nila or worse, magsasag muscles nila. Mas magmumukha silang mas mataba. Ganun din siguro sa buhok natin. Gumamit din ako ng Novuhair. Eto yung link ng resulta sa akin check mo lang:

      1. Hi, thank you for the advice it means a lot to me. Anyway, its been 3 weeks since the first time na ginamit ko yung novuhair and continuous pa din yung paggamit ko, so 2 times a day/everyday. I noticed na ang daming improvement, first is yung hair fall ko nabawasan na then nawala na yung dandruff and of course the best thing is meron ng tumutubo at ang dami na. So I am very happy with the result of using novuhair. there is no regrets of buying it! thumbs up:)

    1. Hello Susan:) Thanks for your inquiry. We recommend that you observe a 30-day grace period or resting period after any salon hair treatment before using Novuhair. Again, Novuhair is safe and effective. However, we just want to make sure that you won’t have any difficulty in identifying the culprit if hypersensitivity results from the chemicals used on your hair during salon treatment. We don’t want our product to be blamed for this. All the active ingredients of Novuhair is natural. In your case, try to use the product after 4 weeks. Have a great weekend!

  23. maaari po ba akong gumamit nyan kahit na maliit lang po ung wala akong buhok or tawag ng karamihan poknat? tnx po

    1. Hello Sylvester:) Napakagandang katanungan. Mas mainam kung maaalagaan mo ang iyong buong buhok. Hindi ba lumalaki yung poknat? Nagpakonsulta ka na ba sa dermatologist dati? Kung ang intensyon mo ay patubuin ang buhok sa iyong poknat, kailangang hindi pa sarado ang mga hair follicles at hindi pa makintab. Pwede pa kung ganun. Kung may maliliit pa na buhok na tumutubo, lalong mas maganda:) Gamitin mo ang Novuhair para higit na mapangalagaan ang iyong buhok.

  24. Hindi ko po kayang avail ang lotion at shampoo maliit lang po ang sweldo ko . pwede po bang lotion lang ang gamitin ko at gumamit ako ng shampoo ng kabayo? manipis na po kasi ang buhok ko at nahhiya na po ako sa mga nakkapuna sa akin..

    1. Hello Lea:) Thanks for the inquiry. I highly recommend that you use Novuhair topical scalp lotion and gugu herbal shampoo. Yung para sa kabayo na shampoo, hayaan na natin sa kabayo yun:) May pang-tao naman. You can buy the herbal shampoo at any Mercury drug outlets. However, I can’t guarantee that it’ll give the same effects as compared when using Novuhair herbal shampoo.

  25. Hi Good eve! I started having hair fall problem almost a month ago. All I can remember is that last summer, I started having dandruff. I already treated that problem, and now I’m dandruff free, but here it goes! hair fall problem. It’s really alarming because I noticed that my hair volume is not anymore the same. I’m 18, and now on my senior year in college,my classmates think it’s just caused by stress.
    One of them recommended novuhair. Browsed the net and stumbled here. Would this really solve my problem if it is really caused by stress? thanks! kindly email me also the ans. Thnks much:))

    1. Hello Kim:) Thanks for the inquiry. Stress and dandruff may be two of the factors that can trigger hair loss. It’s also possible that the product you’ve used to address your dandruff problem might have contributed to this fate. What brand did you use if you don’t mind? Is the product chemical-based? Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice
      a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth noticeable in as early as 4 months. Again, this may apply in general but not to all, similar to pharmaceutical medications. Depending on the damage or condition of the hair, the result may vary. Some even notice the result earlier while some may take more time. Does it run in the family or hereditary? ? If it’s a genetic predisposition, Novuhair treatment should begin as early as possible. The timing is perfect since you’re only 18. It’s during this time that DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) negatively influences healthy hair growth by attacking the hair roots and eventually shorten the growth cycles of your hair until premature hair loss occurs. (DHT is formed when testosterone is broken down by the enzyme 5?-reductase) Novuhair may help you address this problem.

      Here’s how to use Novuhair topical scalp lotion:
      Directions for use:
      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use
      other herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal
      Shampoo will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      6. Repeat the same procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

  26. good day, i would like to ask if Novuhair can help my hair be thick and healthy again, because i experience hair loss and seeing it waking up in my bed, to my shower, and simply combing, will the product restore everything, and also is it really important to treat it early before the pores get close just to get over with expensive hair surgery by the way i’m 25 years old and it finds me too young to have this kind of hair loss.

    1. Hello Matthew 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. You’ve done the right thing. That’s the first step in addressing your hair concern. The second step now will be to give your full commitment in using the product religiously and observing a healthier lifestyle.

      Novuhair topical scalp lotion contains natural ingredients that will help nourish and improve the overall cosmetic conditions of the hair. Hair restoration is a long process that Novuhair alone cannot address, but may help a lot. Novuhair addresses prevention of excessive hair fall, alleviate scalp itchiness and dandruff, and help stimulate hair growth.

      Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair growth noticeable in as early as 4 months.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980, available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, Cory Quirino World of Wellness, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City) and Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu & Colon Cebu).
      For more info about the product, check PRODUCT INFORMATION section and see how the product is used. A certain degree of change in lifestyle will be required like refraining from using other hair treatment high in chemicals like gels and other shampoos. We have formulated a herbal shampoo designed to compliment the effect of the lotion. The 5 to 10 minutes massage is very important as well. You can also check our clinical findings on the efficacy and safety of Novuhair at the HAIR & SCALP CARE TIPS section.

  27. Hello po.. 12 yrs. old po ako.. and ang nipis po ng hair ko at the top.. at my age am i ready for your product? wala po bang any side effect yung product nyo? and can you prescribed any hair clinic here in Pangasinan? thank you so much.

    1. Hello Joy:) Thanks for the inquiry. Yes, Novuhair is indicated for 12 years old and above. Here’s how to use the product:
      1. Take a shower and use Novuhair Herbal Shampoo as you would use
      other shampoos. We don’t recommend the use of regular shampoos that
      contain harsh chemicals that damage the hair. You can also use
      other herbal shampoos like aloe or gugu. But only Novuhair Herbal
      Shampoo will compliment the lotion and achieve maximum results.
      2. Rinse and towel dry.
      3. Apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas.
      4. Massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes.
      5. Rinse and style your hair.
      6. Repeat the same procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

      We recommend that if you work indoors, no need to rinse the lotion.
      Use it like a leave-on. This will produce better results. Refrain from
      using wax or gel to avoid further damage.

      Based on our clinical findings, with consistent use of Novuhair twice
      a day, in 4-6 weeks the results showed the non-progression of hair
      loss, prevention of excessive hair shedding and stimulation of hair
      growth noticeable in as early as 4 months. Again, this may apply in general
      but not to all, similar to pharmaceutical medications. Depending on the
      damage or condition of the hair, the result may vary. Some even notice
      the result earlier while some may take more time.

      I also recommend that you visit any of your preferred licensed dermatologists there in Pangasinan. I can’t refer anybody in particular but just make sure that the dermatologist is a member of PDS or Philippine Dermatological Society and not just an aesthetician, meaning, those who cater more to beautification rather than hair conditions and diseases.

      For more information, you may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates.

  28. Ryan Harish Uson Soliman

    Ahm, meron akong problem sa hair ko, sobrang hair loss and i’m 18 years ild palang, ang ginagamit ko nguyun is minoxidil na 5% and okay nmn sya, but wala pa akong nakikitang result cause i’m using it just a week wala pang months, dati more than 100 strands a day ang naeexperience ko, then gumamit ako ng kahit anung product naging okay naman nmn naging 5-10 strands na sya, pero hindi ako nakuntento at binago ko ung ginagamit ko, gumamit din pla ako ng finasteride pero hindi ko nagustohan dahil ng-aalala ako baka may side effect.. After that nagkaroon ako ng dundruff isa bang cause ng hair loss is dundruff??, and nga pla napapasin ko is ung hair strands ko is numinipis, sobra akong nag-aalala 🙁

    1. Hello Ryan:)m Thanks for the inquiry. We can’t do anything to accelerate the effect of any product when it comes to hair loss. This is a sad reality. Switching from one brand to another may even be another factor when it comes to hair loss. Hair products do not produce miracles. The user creates these miracles. Compliance to the direction and a change in lifestyle play a vital role and are very important. You may shift to Novuhair and keep the impatience and nothing will ever happen. Time is a big factor.

  29. i encounter hair loss since highschool..i am afraid that my hair were get totaly there any free cosultation in cebu??where i could find that??an where i could by your product and how much?

    1. Hello Anthony:) Thanks for the inquiry. Free hair and scalp consultation available on MAY 29-31, 2013: Mercury Drug Metro Gaisano Pacific Mall Mandaue, Cebu City

  30. hi nacra po kc yung hair ko dahil sa treatment parang nakalbo po ung konting bahagi ng scalp kp pwede po ba tumubo ulit ang buhok ko if i used the novuhair.tnx po.pls relpy.

    1. Hello Chloe:) Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair is not intended to restore or repair salon negligence. Novuhair is intended to increase the nutrition in the scalp to help hair grow healthy. It takes 2-6 years for the growth cycle of each strand. Once the strand has been damaged, then that’s it. You need to pay extra attention to your scalp now. Avoid applying harsh chemicals now. Use Novuhair to feed your scalp and take care of the existing hair. If the damaged scalp area is already shiny, most probably the pores have closed. To find out if Novuhair can still be of help, visit any of our free hair and scalp analysis

    1. Hello Ken:) Thanks for the update. I highly suggest that you continue using the product. Novuhair will address your excessive hair fall within 2-5 weeks. Just a little more patience. The normal hair fall count is between 50-100 strands per day. Good luck Ken:)

  31. Good morning I have this thing on my head called ”poknat” is there a cure for it where the hair will grow back?

  32. Ma. Lea Yalung

    Hi, Im lea from pampang i am suffering of hair loss since i was in elementary. actually it was my mannerism when i was in elementary. now i want to have my hair back until before my wedding day. can you help me? my hair are still growing, but if my scalp is itchie my mannerism was continue. i just want to use novuhair product but it is expensive. cannot afford. hope you can help me this matter. thank you.

    1. Hello Ma. Lea:) Thanks for sharing your hair concern with us. Novuhair is cost-effective. You can start saving today so that in a few more weeks, you can start your treatment.

  33. ask ko lng po if talagang ganon siya ka-effective.i had a alopecia ion first na spot niya is okie na.but now im having a new 2 spot. and natatakot na ko coz grabe talaga iyong hair in kahit saan ako magpunta sa house nakikita ko iyong hair ko.then pagnagsusuklay ako grabe din ang lagas.kung minsan hindi na ko nagsusuklay kasi natatakot na ko,baka maubos na ang hair using naman a shampoo na recommended ng doctor ko, but i dont think na effective because grabe pa rin ang har fall ko.ang if its okie na gamitin ko siya then iyon regaine.regaine 5% ang inadviced ng doctor ko. that’s way im wondering if okie lng po siya.

    1. Hello May:) Thanks for the inquiry. It’s time that you take the natural approach. I recommend that you observe a 30-days resting period before starting the use of Novuhair. In that way, should there be any side effects upon stopping the use of the product you’re using now, you can easily identify the cause and not put the blame on Novuhair. I don’t recommend that you use both products at the same time.

  34. do you have free consultation ???i think my hair is suffering hair fall..ngayon kasi panipis ng panipis ang hair ko.. dati sobrang kapal ngayon manipis na.. i’m so afraid n baka maubos po yon buhok ko pag diko na gawan agad ng paraan!

  35. Hi what can I do to to make my poknat have hair on it again? Can I use novuhair/ does it work/effective/ will it work? please help me

  36. hi! My hair was just newly rebonded.what is the precedure to maintain the straight of the hair. i use conditiner and hair mask.

    1. Hello Karen:) Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

  37. hi,staff of novuhair..i just want to ask f 8’s ok to use u’r product even if 8’s been a month that i undergone a surgery?.at my age 39,i have lots of gray hair my forehead and it’s so obvious since my hair get’s thinner nd thinner..pls help me,i’d like to try u’r product bt i’m afraid.

    1. Hello Chiren:) Thaanks for the inquiry. I would like to know if it’s the scalp that’s got the surgical procedure? If not, then by all means start using Novuhair. If it’s the scalp, I highly recommend that you wait for the area to get really healed. Most people undergoing surgery really undergo excessive hair fall. But this should go back to the normal shedding in due time.

  38. Hello,

    I’m Mark

    I had bought 2 bottles of novo hair, since last march 2013. I used it almost 4 mos. till nowadays. I noticed that there is slightly improved. Naiipunan ko talaga ito. kahit my kamahalan. so i didn’t afford to buy a shampoo. I have a question it is OK to used baby shampoo? Kasi medyo mura.. ^^,

    I am looking forward for your response.


    1. Hello Mark:) Thanks for entrusting your hair care to Novuhair. If your concern is about budget for the shampoo, might as well buy the herbal shampoos – milder and natural. There are herbal shampoos that are affordable like gugu, aloe vera or tea tree shampoo. But if the budget is really tight, then the baby shampoo is better compared to the other brands available – at least milder.

  39. good evening sir,

    my natural hair is curly nung bata pa po ako medyo makapal ung hair ko pero nag start malagas ung hair ko nang nag pa relax po ako at kulay noong 21 ngaung 23 nako ung dulo na lang po may kulay pero naging weaken na ung buhok ko napansin ko po na mabilis maputol gusto ko po sanang gumamit ng Novuhair para maging healthy ulit ung hair ko at kumapal ask ko po kung after ko na gumamit ng novuhair pwede na po ba akong mag pakulay ulit? o better na po na wag nang gumamit ng kulay sa buhok? hintayin ko po ang reply nyo maraming salamat po.

    God bless

    1. Hello Josephine 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. As a rule of thumb, any person with chemically treated hair or has undergone any salon treatment may use NOVUHAIR® but must observe a resting period of 2-4 weeks if the salon chemical treatment used will produce any allergies or hypersensitivities. This is recommended in order to easily identify with certainty the real cause of the adverse reaction/s and not put the blame on NOVUHAIR®. All the active ingredients of NOVUHAIR® are natural and safe. However, we can’t vouch for the safety profile of salon treatments. While on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person needs to refrain using any hair products with high concentrations of chemicals for this may defeat the purpose. Should the person opt to have another salon treatment while on NOVUHAIR® treatment, the person should stop using the NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion.

      With consistent daily use of at least two times a day for 4-6 weeks, you can look forward to the benefits of NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion in preventing hair loss, retarding further hair thinning and improving the overall cosmetic properties of your hair.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

    1. Hello Jep 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. We are currently working on exporting the product. However, NOVUHAIR®can also be purchased online through our service partner:

      Here’s the direct link: register in the site for FREE to get access in the ordering cart. Kindly indicate the complete address where you want the product to be delivered. A quotation or estimate on the shipping cost included in the payment will be provided to you. Payment can be done through PayPal or credit cards. Delivery to the USA, Canada, UAE and KSA normally takes about 8-10 working days. Delivery to Asian countries normally takes about 5-7 working days.

  40. hi ask ko lang po sana yung topical scalp lotion po ba di po ba siya oily pag nilagay sa hair? thanks..and ask ko rin po sana kung how much yung topical lotion kung kung pwede siyang bilhin seperately nahihiya kasi akong magtanong sa mga drug store..thanks..

    1. Hello John 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. It’s a common misconception for Filipinos to expect lotion to be sticky and thick but that’s the real case. The lotion form which is liquid is used by hair products in that way the formulation reaches the skin or the scalp.

      Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml good for 2 to 3 months use is priced at Php2,800 while the Novuhair 2-in-1 Combination pack which includes the Herbal Shampoo 200ml is priced at Php3,980. Novuhair Herbal Shampoo and conditioner is not available individually, it comes in package together with Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion.

      Novuhair is available in all Mercury drug outlets, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug and Manson Drug, KCC Malls (General Santos City & Koronadal City), Metro Gaisano Pharmacies (Market!Market!, Alabang Town Center, Ayala Cebu, Colon Cebu, Davao & Gen. Santos City), JCenter Mall in Cebu and The Landmark (Makati & TriNoma Quezon City).

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

    2. Meron po ba sa laguna ng novuhair sa mga national drag store like mercury or any kind of drag store dito po sa laguna… Thanks po sana masagot niyo po.

      1. Hello Dexter 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

        Yes Novuhair Products are available in Laguna. NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion, NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Pack, NOVUHAIR® 3-in-1 Pack and NOVUHAIR® 2-in-1 Plus One Pack are presently commercially available in the Philippines, nationwide in Mercury Drug, Watsons Pharmacy, Rose Pharmacy, South Star Drug, Manson Drug, Gaisano Pharmacy, The Landmark (TriNoma & Makati), Fanny Serrano Salon & Boutique in Quezon City, NCCC (Palawan & Davao), KCC Malls (Gen. Santos City & Koronadal City) and JCentre Mall in Cebu.

        NOVUHAIR® products may also be conveniently and safely purchased online via using your credit card, Cash-On-Delivery (COD) payment and bank over-the-counter payment, and delivered right at your doorstep.

        For international orders, NOVUHAIR® may also be purchased via using credit cards and PayPal.

        For further inquiries, you may contact our hotline numbers at 413.6570 and 0922.8830575, from 8:30am-5:50pm, Monday to Friday, or visit Novuhair website, follow us on our Twitter @NovuhairNatural and Instagram @NovuhairOfficial.

        Thank you and have a great day.

  41. meron lang po akong tanong…yung Novuhair po ba ay pwedeng gamitin sa forehead dahil halos wala na po akong buhok sa forehead ko po … at pwede na ba po ba akong gumamit ng Novuhair I’m only 14 yrs. old … yun lang po ang tanong ko po…..

    1. Hello Gabby 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair is recommended for men and women 12 years old and above. It will be a smart decision to start using the product as early as now because you can address the problem with urgency since yours is hereditary. DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a male hormone/enzyme found in your hair follicles that start to produce negative effects on the hair follicles as early as puberty stage. The DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize therefore producing thinner and thinner hair. Using Novuhair may help nourish the hair follicles and prevent prematurely falling off. Yes, you may apply liberal amount of Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion on the target areas only.

      For maximum benefits, use NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion twice daily. For best results, do not rinse NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion. Extended contact with your scalp allows greater penetration into the hair. Grab a bottle now:)

  42. good day..
    i’m suffering from hair fall right now. i tried other herbal and thickening products pero nag hahairfall pa din ako.. i’m planning to use your product pero i wanted to consult kung ok po ba yan sa mga hair type na may dandruff _ which is i know factor din ng hairfall at rebonded din po kasi ako . thanks.

    1. Hello Jay 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. You’ve mentioned that a lot of hair products you’ve used failed, is this right? Were these products prescribed by a dermatologist or a doctor? . I highly recommend that you study the product first before you buy it. Check if it fits your need. After carefully checking all the signs and you think it will be good for you then you decide. Novuhair can’t give you any guarantee… the answer lies in your hands. It’s your commitment, belief and patience to go for a natural option that will spell the results.

      Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. Novuhair contains natural ingredients that will alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. It controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair. The following natural ingredients found in Novuhair will address your dandruff problem:
      Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.

      Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.

      Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

      Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.

      Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.

      You need to observe a 30-day resting period before using Novuhair. This is to make sure that all the harsh chemicals applied from the rebond procedure had been totally washed out.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

  43. Hello! I’m pregnant OK lang ba gumaamit ako ng product nyo kahit buntis ako? Then after giving birth Hindi lang ako mag papa breastfeed?
    Thanks. Sana matulungan nyo ako sa problema ko.

    1. Hello Ellah 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Although the active components of Novuhair are all natural, Novuhair is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women because there are no clinical trial to support it’s safety and to backup this this claim. It is very common for women to experience excessive hair loss after giving birth thus hair thinning becomes noticeable. This will normalize in due time. However, this causes so much anxiety. Once you’ve finished breastfeeding, then you can start using Novuhair. Have a great week ahead.

  44. Hi! My nephew is only 14 years old and we noticed his hair is getting thinner on the top. He has thick hair except the portion we noticed. Is it safe for him to use novuhair even if he is only 14? He doesn’t want to consult with the doctor.

    1. Hello Totherescue 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Novuhair is recommended for men and women 12 years old and above. It will be a smart decision to start using the product as early as now because you can address the problem with urgency.

      Novuhair topical scalp lotion contains natural ingredients that will help nourish and improve the overall cosmetic conditions of the hair. Hair restoration is a long process that Novuhair alone cannot address, but may help a lot. Novuhair addresses prevention of excessive hair fall, alleviate scalp itchiness and dandruff, and help stimulate hair growth. It’s better to seek for professional help and find out if there are other underlying factors affecting your nephew’s hair loss.

      DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone or enzyme that negatively affects the hair follicles of those with hereditary hair loss, starting at puberty stage. The DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize and eventually produce thinner hair. NOVUHAIR® does not have any direct effect on DHT but may help continuously nourish the hair follicles thus prevent further thinning.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairUpdates. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575. Have a great week ahead.

  45. Rigil Kent Sumalinog

    Hi gusto ko po sana magapa hair analysis before i make a decision to buy the item. Magkakaroon po ba kayo ng free analysis this month of June and July?

    1. Hello Rigil Kent 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. We have just posted our Free Hair and Scalp analysis schedule for this month. Kindly visit our website and check the NEWS & EVENTS section for our free hair and scalp analysis. Standard time is from 1pm to 5 pm. Have a great week ahead.

  46. Hi, i am suffering from dandruff, ive tried all the remedies i searched in the internet, but nothing happend. Is Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion can help my dandruff problem? Thanks.

    1. Hello Jenny 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry. Dandruff is one of the factors that triggers hair fall. Novuhair contains natural ingredients that will alleviate scalp itchiness and prevent dandruff such as Virgin Coconut Oil which upon skin contact clears away dirt and improves blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. It controls dandruff, moisturizes scalp, and brings out healthy hair. The following natural ingredients found in Novuhair will address your dandruff problem:

      Aloe barbadensis (Sabila) is a hair conditioning agent and hair growth stimulant, contains an enzyme that stimulates new hair production, increases the tissue from a cellular level and regenerates throughout all levels, has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in fighting against androgenetic alopecia and hair loss.

      Peppermint has been shown to retard the growth of many varieties of bacteria and fungi. It has a particularly relaxing effect on muscles. Because of its cooling properties, it may also relieve itching when applied topically. Peppermint is used for its stimulating, antiseptic and refreshing properties.

      Lemongrass (Tanglad) helps clean skin/scalp pores leaving your hair healthy and refreshed. Lemongrass is known for its ability to aid in digestive health, pain relief as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

      Rosemary has the properties that stimulate hair growth, disinfect the scalp, increase blood circulation and improve hair health. It help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Rosemary has the ability to penetrate into the hair shaft and decrease capillary permeability and fragility.

      Lavender helps relieve itching. It also has the properties to stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, improve the hair’s health, and combat dandruff. It has the ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin and treat respiratory problems.

      NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion is a combination of natural herbs, essential oils and co-factor nutrients which are proven and used for centuries to cure hair problems.

      NOVUHAIR® penetrates deep to rejuvenate, nourish and maintain moisture in the scalp and hair. By improving the blood circulation in the scalp, NOVUHAIR® stimulates hair growth and prevents further hair fall. NOVUHAIR® also improves the overall appearance of the hair.

      For more information, you may visit our official website at You may also visit our Facebook Fan Page at or follow us on twitter @NovuhairNatural. You may also contact our hotlines from 8:30AM-5:30PM from Monday-Friday at 413.6570 and 0922.883.0575.

      Have a great week ahead.

    1. Janine De Guzman

      Hi Black 🙂 Thanks for the inquiry.

      Yes, you may use a water based product on your hair.

      Have a great day ahead!

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