I received an email a few weeks ago from the PR company representing Novuhair, my dad’s favorite anti-hairfall brand. Interestingly enough, the PR person clarified that she wasn’t reaching out to me to offend me in any way, since she wasn’t insinuating that I was suffering from hair loss. Apparently, although known as a product to treat hair loss, Novuhair can also be used as a hair maintenance product to keep hair and scalp healthy.
I actually found it funny that she thought she might be offending me with her email, but then again, I always wondered how do PR agencies handling weight loss, whitening and other self-improvement products or services approach bloggers without offending them. Answer: Very carefully.
Anyhoo, for the record, I wasn’t offended at all because there was a time in my life when I did suffer from hairfall. I was hopsitalized twice in two months for dengue fever and then amoebiasis, then when I got better, I found my hair was falling out at an alarming rate. As in I could see my scalp through the thinning hair at the back of my head. Scary stuff.
So yes, hairfall is more common than we all think and is not exclusive to men. Women do experience hairfall and thinning hair as well, so it shouldn’t be a cause of shame or embarassment.
Read more on https://kikay.exchange.ph/2013/02/17/novuhair-not-just-for-hair-loss