NOVUHAIR Supports Alopecia Philippines

September 2020 marks the seven (7) fruitful years of collaboration between NOVUHAIR®, the leading hair loss treatment in the country and THE ALOPECIA PHILIPPINES, a group founded in 2012 by singer and songwriter Abby Asistio.

THE ALOPECIA PHILIPPINES aims to raise awareness on alopecia, correct the common misconceptions and perceptions about the condition and encourage Filipinos challenged by the same condition to join an online support community.

“VICTORIOUS, Rising Above Alopecia and the Pandemic Together” is this year’s official online gathering theme LIVE at When In Manila’s Facebook page on Saturday, September 26, 2020 (3pm to 8pm). Everyone is invited to witness this momentous event.

Dubbed as ALOPECIA WARRIOR, Abby has been diagnosed with alopecia areata since she was four years old. Her decision to come out in public with her medical condition was a major turning point in her life.

In September 2012, Abby created an online campaign to celebrate Alopecia Awareness Month. She invited family and friends to post a photo on Instagram with a double inverted V (signifying AA) using their hands. This eventually went viral and has been the starting point for Abby to create THE ALOPECIA PHILIPPINES. Many were inspired by Abby’s courage and started to share their personal stories and struggles due to Alopecia.

Abby Asistio is currently one of the ambassadors and the Inspirational VIP Coach of NOVUHAIR®, nature’s answer to hair loss, which she has been using since March 2013.

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