Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
This cliché has proven to be a handy guide in this time of crisis. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised on the possible availability of a vaccine in early 2021, the world can’t just accept to stand still and wait.
Photo by L N on Unsplash
People around the world have practiced social distancing and chose to stay home to protect themselves and their families. But staying away from danger may not be an easy feat now since most parts of the country has eased up on quarantine protocols.
Photo by Toby Osborn on Unsplash
The more relaxed measures are intended on economic reasons other than safety, hence, the working class specifically the head of the family – Dads, headed back to work despite the uncertainties.
How do we protect them?
Here are some of the new essentials that we need to equip them:
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Alcohol / Hand Sanitizer. Remind them to sanitize their hands each and every time they touch any foreign object as the virus can easily penetrate thru the nose and mouth.
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Face Mask / Face Shield. It is compulsory for them to wear a mask in public places (any place outside home). WHO advised that in doing so, this may help protect themselves and the people around them.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Tissue. Encourage them to cover cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw it away properly and wash their hands with soap or use an alcohol or sanitizer.
Photo by Rostyslav Savchyn on Unsplash
Adapting to this “new normal” can be very stressful and may result to increased adrenaline production which may drain the body from essential vitamins necessary to keep the hair and scalp healthy.
Photo by Jan Kop?iva on Unsplash
Stress can also result to increased muscle tension in the shoulders which may decrease the blood flow to the scalp thereby restricting the supply of nutrients and may eventually lead to hair loss.
The good news is, hair loss caused by stress can be remedied with a natural solution commercially available as hair treatment for men.
While genetically-related hair problems require long-term baldness cure, stress-related cases are inadvertently more manageable.
Choosing a natural hair loss solution protects the hair and scalp from harmful chemicals that may worsen the condition in the long run.
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
More men nowadays try natural products deemed safe and effective and opt for a natural hair loss treatment as a result of the heightened awareness on wellness.
Real men are not afraid to use natural products because they are deemed safe and effective. They demand for greater product transparencies – where the products come from and what ingredients they contain.
The protection that NOVUHAIR®, nature’s answer to hair loss, provides to men cannot be discounted.
Ginger Photo by sentot setyasiswanto on Unsplash
Coconut Photo by Anastasia Sidorova on Unsplash
NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion is formulated with 19 natural ingredients, proven safe and effective in hair loss prevention and hair loss treatment or simply to achieve best hair growth.