Your hair can communicate details about your well-being. Certain changes inside your body can manifest in your hair and scalp as a sign. It can be a symptom of something serious but lifestyle and diet changes are the common reasons. To help you recognize what your hair tells about your health, here is a list of hair and scalp problems anyone can encounter.

Dry Scalp
This may mean that you need to add essential fatty acids to your diet. Eat foods omega-3 rich foods such as flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and fish. Dry scalp may be accompanied by itchiness and dandruff caused by harmful products at times. In such cases, switching to natural-based hair care products like NOVUHAIR® is a great solution. NOVUHAIR® is also one of the leading hair loss prevention and best hair growth solution in the Philippines.

Dull Hair
Water is an important element of the hair as well as the entire body. Dull hair can be a result of dehydration telling you to drink plenty of water. Dehydration can also lead to hair thinning due to the hair becoming thin, brittle, dry, and break off easily. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Hair is greying prematurely
Although genetics is the usual culprit for premature greying, certain conditions such as anemia or vitamin B-12 deficiency can be blamed at times. This vitamin helps maintain a healthy number of red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body for proper function. If your hair follicles lack oxygen supply, it will cease to function properly resulting in grey hair or even hair fall.

Very thin hair
Hair largely depends on protein. You may lose more hair than normal if you’re not getting enough protein. Hair thinning, hair loss, or alopecia areata may show if you have severe protein deficiency. To ensure fuller locks, consume protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, dairy, beef, and eggs. Additionally, applying keratin (a type of protein) is reported to strengthen the hair and make it smoother.

Hair loss
Hair loss can be linked to stress. Excessive stress can put a significant number of hairs into the resting phase then suddenly fall out after a few months. Certain experiences such as shock, traumatic events, and pregnancy can cause stress that may lead to hair loss. Your hair can regrow eventually but using hair fall treatment can help. Alopecia areata is a hair loss condition that may be triggered by stress.

Hair is not growing
There are various factors why would hair turn stagnant, ranging from your daily meal choices to the product you use or hormonal imbalances. You can unlock the full potential of your hair by shifting your diet into nutritious foods. Using harsh products can also put stress on your hair shaft leading to hair loss. Medical conditions such as thyroid disease or PCOS can also make your hair seem idle.
Hair is an important element of your body. It reveals detail about your health from an underlying health problem to nutritional deficiency to stress and even genetics. Changes in the hair and other parts of the body can be easy to ignore, but it is best to pay attention to them. To help keep your hair and scalp healthier, use hair loss treatment and hair fall solution that contains natural ingredients like NOVUHAIR®.